
21 Ansichten · 2 Jahre vor

The Sons of Pharaohs in Modern Afrika

This is part 2 to my previous video Kemetic Roots of West Afrika. https://youtu.be/OL4huhGRCUc

In this video, I delve further into the archeaogenetic, historical linguistic and cultural anthropological data that links contemporary Afrikan populations to their evolutionary roots in the pharaohnic civilization and the Hapi River Valley continuum.

With this data it is IMPOSSIBLE to deny the ancestral links between ancient Kemet and modern Afrika.

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Intro: 0:00
Intra Afrikan Diasporas 1:05
Kemetic trade with inner Afrika 2:45
Pastoral Domesticates 4:40
Biological Links: 5:50
Afrikan Oral Histories 7:12
Wangara Inter Empire 8:18
Fulani Histories 10:00
Igala Histories 11:10
Igbo Histories 12:25
Yoruba Histories 13:30
Songhai Histories 15:00
Mandé Histories 17:55
Mossi Histories 20:28
Wolof Histories 21:14
Ngrafi Histories 22:28
Sawa Histories 24:09
Effang Histories 25:06
Mandara Histories 26:17
Kongo Histories 27:10
Somali Histories 28:30
Swahili Histories 29:00

@reggmabry2692 @smashrockwell @withoutHistory @kingmono @mrimhotep @panafricandesignsandapparel @afrothinktank42 @NeferkareDessalines @saneteruniversity780 @hknntr769 @BLACKNEWS102

#sonsofpharaohsinmodernafrika #pharaohs #afticanhistory #wangara #zaghawa #beriberi #kemet #nubia #westafrica #centralafrica