Putovanja i događanja

Ọbádélé Kambon
68 Pogledi · 4 godine prije

Mama Lillian H. RepatriateToGhana.com Testimonial

Ọnuọra Abụah
77 Pogledi · 4 godine prije

Today, Onuora Abuah speaks to a Togolese/Ghanaian, Ernest Dagbovie who studied in Liberia but has worked in Lomé for 20+ years at the prestigious British School of Lomé. We discuss the type of education available for children, things to do in the country, border issues across west Africa and the Sankofa Journey.

Ọnuọra Abụah
63 Pogledi · 4 godine prije

Onuora Abuah will be chatting with Demba who runs a successful tourism business out of Dakar, Senegal.

Instagram: @dembaconciergerie
Website: www.dembaconciergerie.com

Thanks for supporting the movement.

Bless Up!

Ọbádélé Kambon
13 Pogledi · 4 godine prije

Abibifahodie Adesuabea Akwantuo: Field Trip to Ghana-Made Car Manufacturer Safo Kantanka
9 Ɔpɛnimma 2016

Ọbádélé Kambon
103 Pogledi · 5 godine prije

A Journey through Mali...

Onuora Abuah travels to Mali, West Africa where he begins an 800km journey to the ancient city of Tombouctou whilst orating the 1000 year history of the combined empires of Wagadu (Ghana), Mali and Songhai.

SUBSCRIBE for the full film.

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