
11 Views · 4 months ago

⁣Hausa architecture of Northern Nigeria and Niger Republic
// Architecture haoussa du Niger et du Nord du Nigeria.

ENGLISH (French below/Français plus bas):

Hausa architecture is a distinct sub-style among the different Sudano-Sahelian architectural styles found throughout the Sahel-geographic band of Africa. It is mostly prevalent in the Hausaland region (North Western Nigeria and Southern Niger Republic) inhabited by the Hausawa people, but the previous popularity of Hausa architects brought it to Northern Niger and Cameroon. The one or two storey buildings are made with dry mud bricks. They are characterized by the extensive use of parapets, the stucco detail used for decoration on the facades, and the Hausa vault.
Different types of urban houses, royal palaces and mosques can be seen in this video,


L’architecture haoussa est une branche distincte de l’architecture Soudano-sahélienne du Sahel africain. On la retrouve principalement dans la région du Pays Haoussa (Nord-ouest du Nigeria et Sud de la République du Niger), habitée par le peuple Hausawa ou Haoussa, mais la popularité ancienne des architectes haoussas l’a amenée jusqu’au Nord du Niger ou du Cameroun. Les bâtiments, d’un ou deux étages, sont construits avec des briques en terre séchée. Ils sont caractérisés par l’usage récurrent de parapets, de détails en stuc pour la décoration des façades, ainsi que de la voûte haoussa. Divers exemples de maisons citadines, palais royaux et mosquées sont présentés dans cette vidéo.

For more information / Pour plus d’informations :
Building facades in Hausa architecture:
Hausa architecture on afropedea:


ABDOU SALAM, Dunia Labari
AKAZAMA, Chakirari

Kumbukeni- Reclaiming Our Narrative
35 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Kumbukeni is joined by our brothers Michael Thompson and Sidney Nicholas, of Our Black Truth, popularly known as OBT Social to discuss the state of the internet in Nsi ya Ubuntu, what the barriers are and how we can dissolve them to make way for progress.

Mr. Michael Thompson is a technologist who has been in the business since he was a sophomore in high school in Northern Virginia starting with AT&T Communications in 1984. After leaving AT&T after graduating high school, he worked for Quantum Computer Services who later changed their name to AOL, America Online, one of the first online companies in the world. After leaving AOL he went to work for UUNET Technologies, one of only a handful of specialists in the business of building a national network to link individuals and companies to the Internet. During his time at UUNET Mr. Thompson was part of the team that helped build the Microsoft network and beta test Windows 95. During his tenure, he received numerous technical certifications with companies like Cisco, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, Lucent and many others. After leaving UUNET Technologies he went to work as a consultant where he helped to design and implement networks for the U.S. Federal government, telecoms and various fortune 500 companies around the world. Mr. Thompson, then started a company called “Food on the Move”, which delivered food from restaurants throughout Northern Virginia. Food on the Move was later sold. Then around 1999, Mr. Thompson sold his video streaming company called “StreamNow” to a telco, which was soon acquired by Bell Atlantic, who then changed their name to Verizon and he served as Vice President of Video Services. As the VP, he was the first person to host a meeting demonstrating video streaming technology in 2001 to all of the major movie studios including Warner Bros, Disney, Sony, MGM, DreamWorks, New Line Cinema and many others. After leaving Verizon, Mr. Thompson again consulted for various government agencies and fortune 500 companies for a number of years and started other businesses. Then around 2019, he decided to build a social media platform because of the unfair treatment and discrimination we were experiencing on the major platforms. Once the platform was completed, it was named “Our Black Truth” which was later shortened to “OBT Social” because there were those who were offended by the name and what the platform stood for. Today, OBT Social has more than 6 platforms, that span more than 190 countries and is connected to the internet at the fastest speeds possible and has servers housed at what is called “Data Center Alley”, Ashburn, Virginia. This is the areas in which he grew up and it is said that more than 70% of the world’s internet traffic flows through this city and no other place in the world has more data centers or internet connectivity.

Sidney Nicholas currently serves as the VP of Marketing for OBT Social and the CEO of the consulting firm AtumIQ. With a background in marketing technology, he specializes in marketing psychology and data analytics. Born and raised just outside of Detroit, MI, Sidney developed a passion for technology at an early age. He pursued business studies with a marketing focus in his post-secondary education and subsequently worked in the marketing departments of various organizations, including corporate entities and SMBs. Throughout his professional career, Sidney initiated studies in psychology, becoming a trainer in NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and other tools related to psychology, persuasion, and personal development. He considers himself Pan-African and believes that Africa's advancement is crucial for all Afro-descendant people worldwide.

Ọbádélé Kambon
40 Views · 10 months ago

Join our agriculture group on Abibitumi app/site

Ọbádélé Kambon
50 Views · 1 year ago

Getting it done. Self-sufficiency and not waiting for the government to do for us.

Ọbádélé Kambon
31 Views · 2 years ago

FINIC INTERLOCKING CLAY BRICKS MAKING MACHINEThe great attributes of this machine are:1) It compresses and ejects the bricks vertically. This gives the bricks an even thickness regardless of soil density. That also ensures straight lines during construction and an easy brick laying.2) High compaction force so much that the bricks will not shatter under human weight soon after ejection. 3) It is very studyThe dimensions of each brick the machine produces are 22x22x12.5 cm (22 cm long, 22cm wide and 12.5cm thick) FINIC IS GOOD FOR AFRICAIn Sierra Leone, contact us at +232-76-601956In Ghana, Accra, call us at +233 26 400 0480In Nigeria, Abuja, reach us through +234-805-1164-428

MBwebe Ishangi
254 Views · 2 years ago

⁣As I begin my 53rd rotation around the Sun, I realized the only main/consistent partner you’ll have in life… is yourself.

Our real life partner is our body. It’s the only permanent address where you live. We stay with our body from birth ’til transition. And once the body stops responding you are no longer of it.

What we do TO our body is OUR responsibility.

What you eat, hear and watch, what you do for being fit, how you deal with stress, and how much rest you give to it; will decide how your body is going to perform.

Your body can be your asset or your liability, which no one else can share, and it’s your responsibility—whether you want it or not, because YOU are the real-life partner!

No one can help your body other than you. And when you serve your body well, it enables you to serve others…

So be fit. Take care of yourself. Money comes and goes.

Never become too comfortable for like a plant, your body needs continued nurturing.

I am grateful having understanding this. And I’m most grateful to you: for taking the time to both know and support me in the ways you have…

Medaase Pa, Aseooooooooó…

#bEARTHdayTings #SolarReturn #RealLifePartner

MBwebe Ishangi
33 Views · 2 years ago

I ⁣was Kyrie’d too! And it can happen to you!

Kyrie donates $500k to the ADL and Jews and STILL gets suspended?!

Kyrie is the latest Kapernik on down to Tommie Smith and Muhammad Ali.

This is about the suppression of information. The history between Afrikanz and so-called Jews is nothing new.

I was Kyrie’d too in 2017 losing my job because of what I post on my personal social media pages—during post work hours!

Like Ye and Kyrie, our ability to earn money—which allows us to live in this world—is determined by a paycheck we receive from a boss that can decide to fire you whenever they want and for whatever reason. The chess move is realizing If you allow someone to feed you, you also allow them to starve you!

The solution is to become financially educated. Working for someone isn’t the only way to “earn” a living.

Get smarter, join the @Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement where you’ll learn how to live off your savings and investments.

Both your life and your bloodline depends on it!

Join the movement:

Your Financial Therapist,
M’Bwebe Ishangi

#IWasKyriedToo #Cryptowoke #FireYourBoss #FinancialTherapy #BlackFinancesMatter #FireYourBoss

Baka Omubo
27 Views · 2 years ago

➡️ Sign Up Today To Join The 'I Never Knew Tv' Movement:

In this reasoning Ras Stimulant speaks on the dangers of consuming genetically modified vegetables covered in fertilizers.

Stimulant goes on to encourage people to work hard to source organic foods and try their best to grow their own foods.

➡️ Listen To The 'Generation Gap Riddim':
🔥🇬🇳 🇬🇳🔥

➡️ Tune into 'I NEVER KNEW 📻'
🇲🇱Roots, Rock, Reggae Music🇲🇱
Hosted By : Jr of 'I Never Knew Tv'
Sunday 9 -11 AM EST
Wednesday 8- 10 AM EST
Thursday 10- Noon AM EST

#vegetables #ineverknewtv

Ọbádélé Kambon
63 Views · 2 years ago

⁣First Blocks from the Block machine

Ọbádélé Kambon
45 Views · 2 years ago

Meet Nzambi Matee, the UN Young Champion of the Earth for Africa 2020. She's tackling Kenya's plastic waste one brick at a time, turning plastic pollution into a building solution.

Best of Earth Lab:
Best of BBC Earth:

Trailblazers (2022)
Meet the people trying to change the world and help the climate. This includes futuristic farming, plastic bricks, liquid air and more initiatives that have the potential to alter the future.

This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:

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