Njideka Karmo
Njideka Karmo

Njideka Karmo



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Njideka Karmo
97 Views · 1 year ago

This video shows how the FBI & J. Edgar Hoover got its first Afrikan person to work for them as a full-time agent and how it helped derail the Marcus Garvey Movement in the 1920s.

Njideka Karmo
72 Views · 1 year ago

Black FBI informant is being interviewed on Gil Noble's program, Like It Is: COINTELPRONOV 2, 1980

Njideka Karmo
55 Views · 1 year ago

William O’Neal’s interview segments are from the Fred Hampton documentary episode of the Eyes on the Prize II television series, which originally aired on PBS in 1990. The 14-part documentary series chronicled the U.S. civil rights movement. During the interview, William O'Neal discusses the raid on Fred Hampton's apartment and the role he played as an FBI informant. O'Neal and his betrayal of Hampton are explored in the film Judas and the Black Messiah (2021), where he is portrayed by LaKeith Stanfield.

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