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Statement by Ghana's President during the launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area #AfCFTA
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From Resident Evil The Final Chapter. The red queen informs Alice about the secret file in which Dr. Isaacs presents Earth's future and talks about cleansing the world using the T virus. He makes it clear that the planet is struggling because of the human race. (complete scene).
TM & © Sony (2016)
Milla Jovovich - Alice
Director: Paul W.S. Anderson
Toxic chemicals fill the air at a scrapyard near Ghana's capital, Accra. The long-term effects of contamination could have serious consequences for the district of Agbogbloshie; chronic pain, stillbirths, a polluted food chain - and cancer. Dangers that could affect people for generations to come.
For more visit http://2nacheki.tv/ghana-the-a....frican-dumping-groun
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Hayward Race Soldiers shot 17 yr old Jamaine in the back after being called for an alleged shots fired. Race soldiers removed the bullets from his back putting his life in more danger. Family filed federal lawsuit.
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Taken from JRE #1489 w/Ronnie Coleman:
In this clip we discuss a private snapchat group message among some young white girls discussing their opinions on black men.
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Welcome to the Great African Leadership Series where we feature great, inspirational Speeches and quotes from African Leaders. President Kenyatta's 'AFRICA IS NOT FOR THE TAKING' Speech Ranked Best of 2020
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