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The Black Blockchain Summit 2020 presents the following open ended discussion regarding the listed topic. All discussions were presented via live stream on September 12-13, 2020. Traditionally, the annual Black Blockchain Summit is an in-person and ticketed event held on the campus of Howard University.
To provide wider access, and to accommodate for the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic , all Summit activities were convened online and content provided for free to all registered participants of the Summit and to the global community via YouTube, Facebook, and Whova.
All opinions, ideas, and, references to intellectual property expressed in the following video are those of the individual speakers. Information shared should in no way be considered and endorsement by The Black Blockchain Summit. It is the mission of the Summit to provide access for conversation and convening, with the aim of ensuring a safe space for information sharing, education, and as our theme states, Global Black Survival!
If you would like to learn more about the panelists (in alpha order) please see below:
Alakanani Itireleng, Founder Satoshicenter and Plaas Farmer's Chain
Twitter: @bitcoinlady
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/motherPkay
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/satoshicentrebw/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bitcoinlady/
Colin C. Thompson, Founder xChainz.io and Thrive, Inc.
Website: www.xchainz.io
Website: https://thriveglobal.com/authors/colin-thompson/
John Wainaina Karanja, Founder - BitHub Africa and Melanin Academy
Twitter: @bithubafrica
Website: https://bithub.africa/
Trekk, Storyteller
Twitter: @SmartTrekken
Website: www.trekksmartconsulting.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/trekkencryptos2connect
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trekkwith2ks/
Valerie "Telly" Onu, Co-Founder& Governance Partner - Beyond Capital Markets
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Qu....intessence-Consultin
The Black Blockchain Summit 2020 is proud to present a conversation; the topic is Reparations & Revolution #SatoshiIsBlack with Max Keiser of the show The Keiser Report!
Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, conference organizers mobilized to ensure the annual conversation of thought leaders and innovators within and outside of the blockchain space could go on. By making all content free and available via livestream, we hope that the accessibility for stakeholders around the world with be both impactful and insightful!
Follow the conversation on Twitter, IG, Facebook, and LinkedIn
May we all one day meet in person again at Howard University!
The Black Blockchain Summit 2020 presents the following open-ended discussion regarding the listed topic. All discussions were presented via live stream on September 12-13, 2020. Traditionally, the annual Black Blockchain Summit is an in-person and ticketed event held on the campus of Howard University.
To provide wider access, and to accommodate for the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic , all Summit activities were convened online and content provided for free to all registered participants of the Summit and to the global community via YouTube, Facebook, and Whova.
All opinions, ideas, and, references to intellectual property expressed in the following video are those of the individual speakers. Information shared should in no way be considered an endorsement by The Black Blockchain Summit. It is the mission of the Summit to provide access for conversation and convening, with the aim of ensuring a safe space for information sharing, education, and as our theme states, Global Black Survival!
The Black Blockchain Summit 2020 presents the following keynote Designing, and Implementing Production Ready Blockchain Solutions with Whitney Griffith. This keynote was presented via live stream on September 12-13, 2020. Traditionally, the annual Black Blockchain Summit is an in-person and ticketed event held on the campus of Howard University.
To provide wider access, and to accommodate for the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic , all Summit activities were convened online and content provided for free to all registered participants of the Summit and to the global community via YouTube, Facebook, and Whova.
All opinions, ideas, and, references to intellectual property expressed in the following video are those of the individual speakers. Information shared should in no way be considered an endorsement by The Black Blockchain Summit. It is the mission of the Summit to provide access for conversation and convening, with the aim of ensuring a safe space for information sharing, education, and as our theme states, Global Black Survival!
The Black Blockchain Summit 2020 presents the following open-ended discussion regarding the listed topic. All discussions were presented via live stream on September 12-13, 2020. Traditionally, the annual Black Blockchain Summit is an in-person and ticketed event held on the campus of Howard University.
To provide wider access, and to accommodate for the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic , all Summit activities were convened online and content provided for free to all registered participants of the Summit and to the global community via YouTube, Facebook, and Whova.
All opinions, ideas, and, references to intellectual property expressed in the following video are those of the individual speakers. Information shared should in no way be considered an endorsement by The Black Blockchain Summit. It is the mission of the Summit to provide access for conversation and convening, with the aim of ensuring a safe space for information sharing, education, and as our theme states, Global Black Survival!
The Black Blockchain Summit 2020 presents the following open-ended discussion regarding the listed topic. All discussions were presented via live stream on September 12-13, 2020. Traditionally, the annual Black Blockchain Summit is an in-person and ticketed event held on the campus of Howard University.
To provide wider access, and to accommodate for the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic , all Summit activities were convened online and content provided for free to all registered participants of the Summit and to the global community via YouTube, Facebook, and Whova.
All opinions, ideas, and, references to intellectual property expressed in the following video are those of the individual speakers. Information shared should in no way be considered an endorsement by The Black Blockchain Summit. It is the mission of the Summit to provide access for conversation and convening, with the aim of ensuring a safe space for information sharing, education, and as our theme states, Global Black Survival!
The Black Blockchain Summit 2020 presents the following open-ended discussion regarding the listed topic. All discussions were presented via live stream on September 12-13, 2020. Traditionally, the annual Black Blockchain Summit is an in-person and ticketed event held on the campus of Howard University.
To provide wider access, and to accommodate for the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic , all Summit activities were convened online and content provided for free to all registered participants of the Summit and to the global community via YouTube, Facebook, and Whova.
All opinions, ideas, and, references to intellectual property expressed in the following video are those of the individual speakers. Information shared should in no way be considered an endorsement by The Black Blockchain Summit. It is the mission of the Summit to provide access for conversation and convening, with the aim of ensuring a safe space for information sharing, education, and as our theme states, Global Black Survival!
The Black Blockchain Summit 2020 presents the following open-ended discussion regarding the listed topic. All discussions were presented via live stream on September 12-13, 2020. Traditionally, the annual Black Blockchain Summit is an in-person and ticketed event held on the campus of Howard University.
To provide wider access, and to accommodate for the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic , all Summit activities were convened online and content provided for free to all registered participants of the Summit and to the global community via YouTube, Facebook, and Whova.
All opinions, ideas, and, references to intellectual property expressed in the following video are those of the individual speakers. Information shared should in no way be considered an endorsement by The Black Blockchain Summit. It is the mission of the Summit to provide access for conversation and convening, with the aim of ensuring a safe space for information sharing, education, and as our theme states, Global Black Survival!
If you would like to learn more about the panelists (in alpha order) please see below:
Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Author. Coder. Educator. Internet of Things
Website: https://aantonop.com/
Twitter: @aantonop
IG: @amantonop
Lamar Wilson, Founder, SunJoined, LLC
Twitter & IG: @sunjoined, @bigmarh
Website: https://sunjoined.com
As the world races to lead the way in blockchain technology, could Africa have an advantage? This documentary follows the journeys of two African Bitcoin pioneers, Alakanani Itireleng (Founder of the Satoshi Centre, Botswana) and Lorien Gamaroff (Founder of Usizo). Exploring their hopes for this technology and how it could be used to improve the lives of millions of people, experts in finance, economics and technology weigh in with a mix of industry research, opinions and passion for what the future global economy could hold. And, with much of the developed world’s banking system becoming increasingly unstable, this documentary starts a conversation about cryptocurrency and Africa leapfrogging problems to live in a better global financial system.
We review moving cryptos, the importance of wallets, cryptos projects to look into, staking, the power of compounding, & the power of trading for your own sovereignty.
We discussed purchasing and keeping your portfolio safe
We discuss the importance of belief in a project
The basics of crypto currency and why we need to know about it.