Latest videos
Kuelimika's first video exposing the flaws and bias of Metatron's "historical" videos.
Kuelimika destroys Metatron's garbage response to Kuelimika's first video against Metatron
Excellent video demolishing the psuedo historian Metatron by the late Mr Imhotep
Here is a classic from the late great Del Jones.
The homosexual onslaught on all Afrikan people courtesy of King Lo The Rastar
Courtesy of King Lo The Rastar
Courtesy of King Lo The Rastar
Crushing White Supremacy (Part 2 Affirmative Action)
Crushing White Supremacy (Part 1 Slavery)
Lets dig deeper into this staged event.
Presented by Lashid4u
Remember this staged event?
Presented by Lashid4u
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Del Jones
Dr. Barashango discusses the origins of European Holidays their pagan roots and why we as Black People should not celebrate them. Watch! Listen! And Learn from the Great Master Teacher!
Why are Black people celebrating Euro Folly Days?
Sotomoisture gets dissected
Bro Cadence Whatchu Kno Bout Tha 90s Presentation
Courtesy of Lashid4u
Courtesy of Lashid4u
Courtesy of Lashid4u
Eminem is a goat(ie a beast)but he is not the greatest of all time.