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ERIE presents: Sacred Technologies in Africa with Kilindi Iyi in Oakland, CA, February 9th, 2020
source: ERIE presents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CtBxdmG-Xc
Powerful Sangoma
This documentary looks at traditional Akan healing techniques involving herbalism and spiritual possession, and how western doctors and traditional healers were working together. A film by J. Scott Dodds, Tom Wallace and David Ohl.
Vodoun Ceremony for Sakpata, in Benin
Las puertas de la percepción 2. 'Iboga, los hombres de la madera sagrada
The Doors of Perception 2. 'Iboga, the men of sacred wood'
Doc for research purposes. By the way i don't understand a word that is being said but the images are very familiar.
translated text of the description on utube:
The root bark of Tabernanthe Iboga, in Africa and South America, contain ibogaine, an enteogen. The root is used there by the fang, mitsogo and others ethnic groups, in Gabon, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. Eboka is a sacred Entheogen, sacrament or power plant.
Oloku Bini Ceremony (long)
Olokun Juju dance Ceremony
Bwiti of the Fang 1963
This is a ceremony by the the people of Moree during the initiation of the their high priestess. The Moree People are An Akan ethnic group in West Africa, Burkina Faso/Ghana. The Moree People normally initiate their new traditional priestess during their annual festival
Traditional healing has been a go-to therapy in Africa before the West(north) introduced its medicinal practice on the continent. In South Africa, there are traditional healers called Sangomas, and they are called by spirits of ancestors to be healers.
Mzansi's Youngest Sangoma, this plays in the southern part of Africa, the initiate is very young, but as we know, you can get your ancestral calling either very young or when your a bit older, Malidoma Some also talks about this, go look it up.
footage taken from Daily SunTV
playing the Ngombi
Nima. Debora (Maman D), Spiritual Mother & adviser
BANDZIS, NGANGAS, AND NIMAS. Bandzi is the name given to a person being initiated
into Bwiti, or who has already been initiated but does not really follow the tradition in their
daily life. In the initiation, the Bandzis will meet their kombo, the spiritual entity that accompanies them. When Bandzis integrate their kombo into their daily life, they become Ngangas. In Gabon, the Nganga is someone who is not only initiated in Bwiti but also practices
it daily. A Nganga is someone who applies the knowledge of Bwiti in their life, work, music,
and teachings. They are prophets, healers. It is the Nima, however, who has the knowledge
and authority to train and anoint Ngangas, and it is in Nimas that the gift of initiation and
knowledge of healing lies. The Nima is the spiritual leader of the village. Becoming a Nima,
or even a Nganga, is a lengthy process that can take several years of study and practice.
The process includes structured learning in several areas of traditional science, such as initiations, healings, natural pharmacopeia, and spiritual help to humanity. The role of a Nima
carries great responsibility. It is not only about knowing the physical and spiritual dimensions
of iboga but includes holding the knowledge and practices of healing plants, as well as the
process for becoming a traditional therapist.
You can’t initiate other people without knowing the elements. It is important because when you
do a consultation you have in front of you someone who comes with serious problems… If you
don’t know the herbs, the procedures, you’re not going to do a good detoxification treatment.
You can’t make the necessary leap. You can’t hunt the black snake and so on. When people
come with all these problems, you need to have learned how to solve them. [E4-Maman D_34:08]
Source: https://www.iceers.org/wp-cont....ent/uploads/2020/05/
Nganga is talking about eboka or iboga. We've been using power plants for quite some time now.
Taken from the breaking convention 2019.
Darren will share his research that looks at the important historical and current events that have impacted and shaped the lives of African people in the diaspora. He will provide insight into some of traumatic experiences that we as the current generations inherit and how it affects us today.
Exploring some of the healing modalities accessible through rites of passage which include the use of entheogenic plants, Darren will highlight some ground breaking research that supports these activities as a way to start the healing process.
With the renaissance gaining momentum, how do we ensure that all people across the world, from all backgrounds, are represented at the table and consulted about the future applications of these psychedelic experiences?
Darren Springer is a grass-roots researcher and event organiser based in London. After setting up Ancient Future in 2006, he has continued to develop workshops and projects geared around creative arts, personal-development and African-Caribbean spiritual systems in his community. Collectively his work aims to inform and empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to cope with social challenges and contribute to community development as well as self-improvement in an innovative and culturally-aware style. He has presented at the Breaking Convention in London, the Detroit Entheogenic Conference, Ozora in Hungary, Altered in Berlin and numerous consciousness. Darren is a knowledgeable and dynamic speaker who is passionate about sharing his research on African Entheogenic plants and their various applications on the continent and the diaspora.
The musical traditions of Mitsogho (Gabon) Central
look at the video
Excerpt of the documentary 'Ibogaine - Rite of Passage'.
Psilocybin Spores: An Organic Artificial Intelligence
taken from Portland Psychedelic conference 2019