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#MalcolmX #OmowaleMalcolmX #PanAfricanism
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#MalcolmX #OmowaleMalcolmX #PanAfricanism
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This is the final part of a review of a discussion I recently took part in on @DAGGERSQUADUNIVERSITY (Watch: https://youtu.be/N8YOsSGCr0g).
This is probably the most important part of the conversation, as we'll be exploring how these arguments factor into and affect Pan-Afrkan Organising & development in todays world... As well as how the Politics of the Afrikan continent affects the Afrikan Diaspora.
CHECK OUT PART 1: https://youtu.be/ghMGXUGeQ6c
CHECK OUT PART 2: https://youtu.be/3tcBoKWZ5z4
This discussion is premised on the realisation that it has become problematic for many to in what is popularly called the "Conscious Community" to advance a Pan-Afrikan/ Afrikan Centred Vision & Mission in theory & practice. The discussion under review is a case study in this dynamic.
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Join me for part 2 as we engage in a review of a discussion I recently took part in on @DAGGERSQUADUNIVERSITY (Watch: https://youtu.be/N8YOsSGCr0g).
CHECK OUT PART 1: https://youtu.be/ghMGXUGeQ6c
This discussion is premised on the realisation that it has become problematic for many to in what is popularly called the "Conscious Community" to advance a Pan-Afrikan/ Afrikan Centred Vision & Mission in theory & practice. The discussion under review is a case study in this dynamic.
► If you Would Like to contribute to more of this content please feel free: https://www.patreon.com/shakaraokyeame
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Join me as I engage in a review of a discussion I recently took part in on @DAGGERSQUADUNIVERSITY (Watch: https://youtu.be/N8YOsSGCr0g).
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In line with some recent discussions on Afrikan Spirituality and its role in the Afrikan Liberation Fight, I am redelivering this contribution.
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Today we will explore the political application of Afrikan Identity throughout history to the present day; and the necessity of clarity in Identity as a foundation Afrikan problem solving and visionary nation building. This presentation also serves as a challenge to the present day attempts to negate the concept of Afrikan Identity; and/or neutralise its political application & power potential.
00:00 - Words from the Elders & Ancestors
14:08 - Introduction
20:51 - Defining Terms
49:22 - PART1
53:01 - How Colonialism redefined Afrikan Historical Consciousness
1:05:29 - The Indecencies of "Tribe"
1:12:40 - How the Coloniser disrupted Afrikan Social Order
1:17:02 - Did Afrikans Organise Nations Beyond "Tribe"
1:22:58 - PART 2
1:26:21 - Defining Liberation
1:32:40 - Historical Consciousness IS Political
1:38:39 - The FACT of Afrikan Cultural Unity
1:50:59 - Why we emphasise Afrikan Identity as POLITICAL
2:14:32 - Afrikan Identity, Nationhood & the Rejection of the Coloniser
2:19:38 - Nkrumah & Lumumba - Examples from the Afrikan Continent
2:30:11 - Omowale Malcolm X & Afrikan Identity
2:26:21 - Afrikan Identity as a Threat to Western Imperialism
2:41:18 - Afrikan Identity in the 21st Century - Continent & Diaspora
2:54:26 - Universal Afrikan Nationalism
3:01:46 - Interaction with the chat
Related presentation:Pan-Afrikan Culture & Economics in Practice: https://youtu.be/Q1GFqTGpvzgDefinitions of
Pan-Afrikanism: Preview to the Ancient Origins: https://youtu.be/E8KWImibNyI
Decolonising African Land & Nations States - Foluke Adebisi https://youtu.be/WlC62vI4D0o
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This is a clip taken AFRIKAN POWER: The Political Purpose of Afrikan Identity in the 21st Century!
You can watch the full conversation here: https://youtu.be/r1yWM9XAk0s
Can spirituality restore Afrikan woman leadership to it’s rightful place?
full breakdown: https://alkebulan.org/2018/02/26/womenleadership/
1) Why does so little commentary about women in the movement focus on spirituality?
2) How do we develop a politicised Afrikan-Centered Spiritual world-view”?
3) Why does so little commentary about women in the movement focus on spirituality ?
4) What are the stages of Development for Afrikan women?
5) Is there an equivalent for Afrikan men?
Our very special guest:
Mama Marimba Ani: Is an Afrikan-Centered Cultural Scientist, engaged in the reconceptualization of the Afrikan Experience from the perspective of Afrikan people and also is known for introducing the term “Maafa” to describe what is known as the Afrikan Holocaust. She served as an SNCC field secretary in the Freedom Summer of 1964 and was later brought to Hunter College in the City University of New York, under the tutelage of Nana Dr. John Henrik Clarke, where she taught for 25 years. A partial list of the courses that she delivered include: Afrikan Civilization; Afrikan Spirituality in the Diaspora; Women in Afrika; Women in the Afrikan Diaspora; Men in the Afrikan Diaspora; Afrikan Spiritual Thought Systems; The Afrikan World View; The Work of Cheikh Anta Diop; The Work of Ayi Kwei Armah; Theories of White Racism.
In addition, she created the Maat/Maafa/Sankofa Paradigm as part of the development of an Afrikan Cultural Science and Social Theory. She is the founding director of the Afrikan Heritage Afterschool Program (AHAP) in Harlem New York (1983-1998) and after leaving the academy now directs this programme in Atlanta. Mama Marimba is an active member of Us Lifting Us, an Afrikan/Black economic cooperative, and the Association for the Study of Classical Afrikan Civilizations. She is author of a number of ground breaking books: Let the Circle Be Unbroken: The Implications of African Spirituality in the Diaspora (1989); Yurugu: An African-centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior: African-Centered Critique of European Thought and Behavior (1994). Ideologically, Mama Marimba considers herself “a Garveyite, An Afrikan Sovereignist, and a Race Woman” and in Mosiah 2015 Mama Marimba was appointed the UNIA-ACL Ambassador of Race First Sovereign Development.
This clip is take from the presentation
Click the link for the full video
: https://youtu.be/sNJRzKyeURI
Check out the "#Kimoyo: Why I choose Afrikan Spirituality" series: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PL-gMpPbGvuj3RPH
If you would Like to make contribution to this channel feel free: https://www.paypal.me/abengapparel
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This clip is take from the presentation
Click the link for the full video
: https://youtu.be/sNJRzKyeURI
Check out the "#Kimoyo: Why I choose Afrikan Spirituality" series: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PL-gMpPbGvuj3RPH
If you would Like to make contribution to this channel feel free: https://www.paypal.me/abengapparel
Find ShakaRa on Social Media:
This clip is take from the presentation
“AAfrikan Spirituality in the CARIBBEAN! #Kimoyo *Preview*”
Click the link for the full video
: https://youtu.be/sNJRzKyeURI
Check out the "#Kimoyo: Why I choose Afrikan Spirituality" series: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PL-gMpPbGvuj3RPH
If you would Like to make contribution to this channel feel free: https://www.paypal.me/abengapparel
Find ShakaRa on Social Media:
This clip is take from the presentation
“AAfrikan Spirituality in the CARIBBEAN! #Kimoyo *Preview*”
Click the link for the full video
: https://youtu.be/sNJRzKyeURI
Check out the "#Kimoyo: Why I choose Afrikan Spirituality" series: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PL-gMpPbGvuj3RPH
If you would Like to make contribution to this channel feel free: https://www.paypal.me/abengapparel
Find ShakaRa on Social Media:
This clip is take from the presentation
Click the link for the full video
: https://youtu.be/sNJRzKyeURI
Check out the "#Kimoyo: Why I choose Afrikan Spirituality" series: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PL-gMpPbGvuj3RPH
If you would Like to make contribution to this channel feel free: https://www.paypal.me/abengapparel
Find ShakaRa on Social Media:
A lickle preview for a fuller presentation I am planning tune in.....
Check out the "#Kimoyo: Why I choose Afrikan Spirituality" series:
If you would Like to make contribution to this channel feel free: https://www.paypal.me/abengapparel
Find ShakaRa on Social Media:
Just went live of @TitansTV: https://youtu.be/ZTrJyylVCRo
It was an interesting show.... 😂😂😂😂
Took part in this bebate yesterday... gonna do a review. Join man innit.
watch the debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y5U1yU6N0M
Watch the KIMOYO: Why I Choose Afrikan Spirituality Series: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL-gMpPbGvuj
It was the 10th Anniversary of Mosiah Storm, the annual event dedicated to the Legacy of the Most Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey & the UNIA-ACL, charting the Black Music Revolution in progress.
Best Kept Secret had not share d stage together since 2009. The stage was set for a powerful return... and BWOY DID THEY DELIVER. Fresh on the passing of the BOXING G.O.A.T. - Muhammad Ali - BKS dedicated their set to his memory... Here's how it went down.
The A.R.M.Y. presents MOSIAH STORM
THE YEAR TO YEAR EVENT, Putting MESSAGE back in the MUSIC In line with the MOSIAH Month Celebrations Honouring Marcus Mosiah Garvey - MOSIAH STORM is an event bringing you the best in Konscious Edutainment. All those looking REAL lyrics, REAL music & REAL positive vibes – MOSIAH STORM is where its at!
Live from Ghana, ShakaRa shares an everyday experience he had in Madina Market, Accra; and the powerful conclusion he came to.
THE PAN-AFRIKAN QUESTION provides concise answers to popularly asked questions about Pan-Afrikanism. If you have a question that you think needs to be answered, drop in the it comments section & we'll do our best to drop some knowledge.
#PanAfrikanism #BlackNationalism #AfrikanLiberation #TPAQ
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26th September is the birthday of Queen Mama Nomzamo Winifred Zanyiwe Madikizela. In this episode, we are taking some time to honour her.
THE PAN-AFRIKAN QUESTION provides concise answers to popularly asked questions about Pan-Afrikanism. If you have a question that you think needs to be answered, drop in the it comments section & we'll do our best to drop some knowledge.
#PanAfrikanism #BlackNationalism #AfrikanLiberation #TPAQ
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