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Johannesburg, 20 October 2014 - In this special feature eNCA investigates how far land reform has progressed.
Our great Ancestor/Warrior/Scholar Dr. Chancellor Williams states in his master work "The Destruction of Black Civilization" that northern Afrika was invaded by asiatic settlers 3000 years ago. The descendants of these invaders can still be found in Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Mauritius, Egypt and other parts of north Afrika. These arab states have, for the most part, marginalized and discriminated against the indigeneous Afrikan population. This video deals primarily with the situation in Tunisia, but can also be applied to most of the other north Afrikan, muslim states. How can these nations be allowed to be members of the "African Union" under these types of conditions?
In January 2011, driven to despair by high unemployment, food inflation, corruption, a lack of political freedom and poor living conditions, Tunisians ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and introduced democracy to their country.
As the celebrations of this remarkable achievement began to quieten down, people got ready to enjoy the benefits of liberty - especially those to do with fairness, human rights and equality.
And indeed, many of those benefits did follow; even though many Tunisians continue to feel economically marginalised and the country faces security problems, for the most part the repression that was such of feature of the Ben Ali years has gone. Tunisia is widely regarded as one of the few successes of the Arab Spring.
But not all Tunisians would agree. Five years on from the revolution, the country's large black minority - roughly about 15 percent of the population - say they have yet to fully experience the freedoms that their fellow citizens enjoy. They say that racial abuse and discrimination are still widespread in a society that is supposed to have done away with inequity and prejudice - and that the authorities are failing to take action.
People & Power sent filmmaker Nada Issa to investigate.
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The Untold Story of The African Liberation Struggle tells the story of the role played by African Women Freedom Fighters who gave of themselves in the fight for their identity, their territory and their land. The documentary from African Women Studies Centre of The University of Nairobi highlights the role played by women in liberation struggle and whose voices are either muted or whose story and role is not fully appreciated
From Seun Kuti's new album « A long way to the beginning » available here : http://po.st/ALongWay
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Shot in Brazil
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Live performance of Malian artist Rokia Traore'
Documentary outline of Cuba's role in the anti-colonial struggle for independence in Afrika from the 1950s to the 1970s.
Wailin' Souls, Old School, Roots Reggae
Music and spoken word from the album "Ngoma Bound" released on the Jamaa record label 2000 by the group "Ngoma In Motion"
Lectures on the Afrikan origins of science and Technology
Lectures on the Afrikan origins of science and Technology
Lectures on the Afrikan origins of science and Technology
Lectures on the Afrikan origins of science and Technology
Lectures on the Afrikan origins of science and Technology
Lectures on the Afrikan origins of science and Technology
Lectures on the Afrikan origins of science and technology
Lecture on the Afrikan origins of science
Lectures on the Afrikan origin of science
Applied Afrikan Science
Recorded Live performance in Azania aka South Afrika featuring our great ancestor/artist/freedom fighter Hugh Masekela playing trumpet and the awesom Mahotella Queens TEARIN' IT U[!
Listen closely to the lyrics as ancestor Benjamin Vaughn drops deep knowledge