
Kwabena Ofori Osei
39 Ansichten · 10 Monate vor

In Chapter 2 of Walter Rodney's seminal work, "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa," Rodney meticulously outlines the deliberate mechanisms and structures established by European powers to facilitate their own development at the direct expense of Nsi ya Ubuntu (Africa). He argues that colonialism was not a passive process but an active exploitation where European nations systematically dismantled Nsi ya Ubuntu's economic and social structures. This exploitation involved the extraction of resources, the imposition of cash crop economies, and the disruption of indigenous industries and trade networks, all designed to enrich Europe while creating a dependency and underdevelopment in Nsi ya Ubuntu. Rodney emphasizes that these actions were intentional, illustrating a clear and direct correlation between Europe's advancement and Nsi ya Ubuntu's impoverishment.

#walterrodney #heua #africa #african #economicexploitation #neocolonialism #colonialism #africandebt #capitalism

Ọnuọra Abụah
6 Ansichten · 3 Monate vor

France's involvement in Africa goes deeper than colonial history. In this video, we uncover how France maintains its influence over African nations through exploitative practices like the CFA franc currency system, colonial taxes, and their interventions against African leaders who challenge their control. From historical colonization to modern-day economic manipulation, we expose the tactics used to keep African nations under France's grip and the leaders who’ve paid the ultimate price for resisting.

Join us as we explore the dark truth behind France’s power over Africa and the fight for true independence.

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#franceinafrica #colonialism #cfafranc #africanindependence #neocolonialism #africapolitics #economicexploitation #africanhistory #colonialtaxes #fightforfreedom #aeafilms