
Kwadwo Danmeara Tòkunbọ̀ Datɛ
96 Views · 11 months ago

Dr Khanyisile Litchfield Tshabalala at the story telling event hosted by & at Lebo’s Backpackers in Soweto,every last Thursday of the month

Touched on systems of Capitalism, Gender, Language, Religion, Black Queens in history, Customary law among other izzsms that aren’t taking us anywhere

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TikTok: @organichottie
Instagram: @king_organic_hottie
Email: stonedqueer420@gmail.com

#capitalism #ancientafrica #feminism

Kwabena Ofori Osei
43 Views · 1 year ago

Issues concerning the true origin, content, purpose, inner nature and afterlife of the universe (including humanity and human nature) have generated a lot of intellectual and emotional arguments, debates and researches for so long.

Kindly join us in our exploration journey aimed at empowering humanity to uproot all forms of ignorance and live life to the fullest in alignment with the inexorable laws of life and it's cycles.

For inquiries, sponsorship etc kindly contact us via:
Email: fapempong@gmail.com or fapempong@yahoo.com
Call : +233271999339

#capitalism #folklife #kantanka

Kwabena Ofori Osei
38 Views · 10 months ago

In Chapter 2 of Walter Rodney's seminal work, "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa," Rodney meticulously outlines the deliberate mechanisms and structures established by European powers to facilitate their own development at the direct expense of Nsi ya Ubuntu (Africa). He argues that colonialism was not a passive process but an active exploitation where European nations systematically dismantled Nsi ya Ubuntu's economic and social structures. This exploitation involved the extraction of resources, the imposition of cash crop economies, and the disruption of indigenous industries and trade networks, all designed to enrich Europe while creating a dependency and underdevelopment in Nsi ya Ubuntu. Rodney emphasizes that these actions were intentional, illustrating a clear and direct correlation between Europe's advancement and Nsi ya Ubuntu's impoverishment.

#walterrodney #heua #africa #african #economicexploitation #neocolonialism #colonialism #africandebt #capitalism