
Kwabena Ofori Osei
56 Visualizações · 1 ano atrás

The Story of Boukman - Boukman was a key leader of the slave revolt in the Le Cap‑Français region in the north of the colony. He was killed by the French planters and colonial troops on 7 November 1791,[3][4] just a few months after the beginning of the uprising. The French then publicly displayed Boukman's head in an attempt to dispel the aura of invincibility that Boukman had cultivated. The fact that French authorities did this illustrates their belief in the importance Boukman held to Haitian people during this time.
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#1804 #haitianrevolution #haitianhistory

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Music by: Style Yves

Baka Omubo
18 Visualizações · 11 meses atrás

EZILI DANTO WEBSITE https://ezilidanto.com/INTRO/OUT SONG"Truth to Power"- by The Paradigm Shift (Amadaye The Apostle & Genesys Dayz) Here is the link to the full song: https://www.reverbnation.com/amadayetheapostle/song/32112869-truth-to-power?fb_og_action=reverbnation_fb:unknown&fb_og_object=reverbnation_fb:song&player_client_id=j29dsi7kl&utm_campaign=a_public_songs&utm_content=reverbnation_fb:song&utm_medium=facebook_og&utm_source=reverbnation_fb:unknownSTEAM PROGRAM FOR BLACK CHILDREN https://consciousingenuity.com/MANHOOD TRAINING CAMP FOR BLACK BOYShttp://asafocamp.com/THE MELTREK PROGRAM https://edanimeproductions.com/shopBEST ONLINE SCHOOL FOR BLACK CHILDREN https://www.uhuruacademy.com EMAIL ME:dr.maat.msu@gmail.com#drmaat #truthtopowertalkwithdrmaat #haiti #haitianrevolution #consciouscommunity #blackamericans #fba #b1 #ados #aboriginals #america #blackpeople #blackunity #africanpeople #africanunity #africanhistory #africancivilization #africanpeople #africanempires #blackhistory #blackpeople #blackexcellence #blackconsciousness