
Kwabena Ofori Osei
32 Ansichten · 7 Monate vor

Schools taught Christopher Columbus "discovered" America - U.S. history books portray him as a hero. They failed to mentioned "the doctrine of discovery" = invade, enslave,
pillage, torture, rape, and genocide
non-Christian peoples.
The Doctrine of Discovery is still a law.
"The International Legal construct known as the Doctrine of Discovery, has served as the Foundation of the Violation of Indigenous Peoples Human Rights" - U.N.
The Doctrine of Discovery is a principle of international
law dating from the late 15th century. It has its roots in a
papal bull or decree issued by Pope Nicholas V in 1452 that specifically sanctioned and promoted the conquest,
colonization, and exploitation of non-Christian territories
and peoples.
Credit: CBC Tapestry with Mary Hynes, speaking to Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz https://www.cbc.ca/radio/tapes....try/reclaiming-indig #subjugation #doctrineofdiscovery #indigenous #untoldhistory

Kwabena Ofori Osei
22 Ansichten · 3 Monate vor

Rediscover the forest through the fresh viewpoint of a Papuan chief born in Papua New Guinea: Mundiya Kepanga, the "child of the forest". This traditional storyteller unveils the extent of the deforestation that has drastically accelerated in his country in recent years.

Following his journey as an environmental defender, from his own village to the largest international symposiums, the film delivers a new way to look at the planet: our forests are a universal heritage that we have to save.

Committed to this cause, Mundiya Kepanga becomes an ambassador of the forest and the voice of indigenous people. A call to protect the world’s primal forests, reminding us that we are all the brothers of the trees.

Documentary: Mundiya Kepanga, the Voice of the Forest
Directed by: Marc Dozier, Luc Marescot
Production: Lato Sensu Production

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
16 Ansichten · 11 Monate vor

Kundo Goumon is a little village right under the Cliffs of the Bandiagara Escarpment in eastern Mali. It is home to the Dogon people, who for some 700 years have lived at this Escarpment. Extending for over 170 kilometers up on the plateau, in the rock caves, and down below, where there's easier access to water and their fields. Follow along to earn more about their unique way of life and traditions.

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#mali #indigenous #africanculture