
45 Ansichten · 5 Jahre vor

Ma’at Hotep, family! This short documentary reveals the untold story of the Afrikan women who fought side-by-side with other Afrikan freedom fighters such as Jomo Kenyatta, Samora Machel,, Nelson Mandela and Amilcar Cabral. Unfortunately these fierce warriors did not receive the recognition and praise that they deserve, but I now salute them……..ABIBIFAHODIE!

Ọnuọra Abụah
51 Ansichten · 5 Jahre vor

In Part 2, Ọnuọra Abụah travels to Togo (West Africa) to learn more about the Vodun spiritual system and of how Europeans have turned it into a thing of evil.

His journey begins at Kamina and Wahala where WW1's first casualties are found. Onuora then heads south to the enslavement house at Agbodrafo before meeting a Vodun priest near Lomé. Onuora concludes the trip with a visit to a Vodun market. What he learns is Voodoo is really just "Good Magic"

#VoodooInTogo #VoodooInAfrica #SlaveryInAfrica #VoodooHistory

FOLLOW: @aeafilms

Ọnuọra Abụah
65 Ansichten · 5 Jahre vor

*** with french subtitles***

In Part 1, Onuora Abuah travels to his boyhood home of Benin (West Africa) to learn the history of the 17th century Danhomé (Dahomey) kingdom which ruled the region.

His journey begins in the water town of Ganvie, before heading north to Abomey, the kingdom's capital. Onuora then drives south to Port Novo before concluding his trip in Ouidah.

#DahomeyKingdom #DahomeyAmazons #DahomeyWarriors #DahomeyHistory

FOLLOW: @aeafilms

Ọnuọra Abụah
29 Ansichten · 6 Jahre vor

A journey through Mali.....

Ọbádélé Kambon
7 Ansichten · 6 Jahre vor

The aim of this study is to present historical sources that provide Afrikan-centered perspectives on what Israel was in relationship to kmtyw ‘Black people/Ancient Egyptians.” This study draws from ancient and classical historical texts that 1) identify the expulsion of the Hyksos with the Exodus story and 2) document the manner in which that expulsion took place. We find that there are significant differences in narratives regarding the nature of the Exodus/Expulsion, however, many people are only familiar with a single biblical story. In conclusion, as students and as scholars, it behooves us to research into primary historical sources to transcend the danger of a single story.

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