At one point the Black Relationship was the hardest to penetrate as both men & women suffered under the cruel hand of oppression and our love of family the vision of survival kept us working together under the hardest of tactics.
Feminism was the tactic employed which initially was not our cause as melanated men nor women had no rights under slavery or colonisation. Not to say the advancement of better equality and opportunity and addressing of domestic violence was not a good thing but it was coupled with conditions set to destroy the black family as its primary objective when issued to so called blacks. This tactic amongst others such as Government intervention of assistance if the man was no longer available through unemployment which leads to destruction of male pride as a protector, benefits due to woman and child only, alcohol and drugs flooding our community, the selling of drugs as an only source of income, and mass incarceration of the male as public enemy No.1 in the 60's & 70's, fostered by support of magazines and shows in the 80's with a promotion of we don't need no men, we can do fine by ourselves, and movie & music industry in the 90's supporting this with gangster rap degrading women and films such as Stella getting her groove, a thin line and more all as a divide and conquer tactic deployed in America initially under the guise of we are progressing yet controlled by the same individuals who had a hand in our demise. in the 2010's the emergence of men responding via what is referred as the manosphere to the point where we now have a full divide, separation and outright disrespect for one another fostered by the new weapon of choice, social media.
This event by the Thursday club intended to address these issues by discussing the term 'Black love' with 3 sets of couples to discuss the ups, downs and all the inbetweens to help empower others to see the importance and evidence that we can, will and must work together first through understanding with a focus on healing the damage, as we are currently continuing without the assistance of Hybrid Europeans to perpetuate destruction on our own future.... Our Children.
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This brother helped to (re)shape the entire discipline of Afrikan psychology with his work, dedication, research & emphasis on the need to document, test & validate the AFRIKAN-based psychological work that was being done.
His masterwork is THE AFRIKAN PERSONALITY IN america, He also authored CULTURAL MISORIENTATION & 2 others.
Dr. Josef Ben Levi
Prof. Kaba Hiawatha Kamene
Nana Amos Wilson teaching about alien spirit possession
Given the current global crisis that positions us at the crossroads of a viral pandemic, racial injustice, and the self defeating nature of white supremacy, the psychological toll is heavy for us all. Dr. Mawiyah Kambon discusses the ways to utilize the wisdom and healing practices of our ancestors for psychological wellbeing among people of African ancestry.
Mwiyah Kambon, PhD
Ifetayo Ojelade, PhD
Facebook - @AHealingParadigm
Instagram - @AHealingParadigm
Twitter - @DrIfetayo
LinkedIn - @Ifetayo
#AncestralHealing #AkanSpirituality #AfricanPsychology
Dr. Francis Cress Welsing [1989]
Sterling Stuckey: Slave Culture P2 [1988]
Today, we will end this series of three discussions by centering our discussion on one of the two most central issues in African and African American Culture, the Black Family and the Black Extended Family.
. We have our guest Dr. Serie McDougal author of the book Black Men’s Studies Black Manhood and Masculinities in the US Context. Review Dr. McDougal’s background.
3 I will provide an African historical context for the nature of the Black family in the U.S., the Caribbean, South America and Europe. The paradigm or model for African families was discovered by me after I had the most beautiful experience of my life, when I piped into the mind of God and was privileged to have revealed to me the basis for African families. Since the family is the foundation of society, the way African families operated was the way the larger society functioned. This family model derived from the world’s first people who came into being 140,000 years ago, the Twa, who are the mothers and fathers of humanity, and who lived in the highest state of civilization in the history of the world.
Michael Lange and LaShaa Gatlin interviewed Prof. Oba T'Shaka in this classic installment of "Oakland Is..." taped in 1994. His book entitled "Returning to The African Mother Principle of Male and Female Equality" is available on