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How Well Do You Know Your Child - Mum vs Dad vs Daughter
Do you know which parent is better at raising their child? In this video, we compare the strengths and weaknesses of mum, dad and daughter in terms of raising a child.
This video is a fun way as Layla offers her take on Mum & Dad.
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How Well Do You Know Your Child - US Dad & Daughter
The Haynes family from the USA to Ghana via Japan. In this video, Tanizia and Dad talk about how well you know your child - how well you know their likes and dislikes, what their interests are, and more. We also answer some common questions parents "should" know about their children.
This video is a great way to get to know your children better, and to get to know their likes and dislikes.
ℹ To find out more about Destination Africa and our products & services, visit our website: www.TheDestinationAfrica.com
Instagram: www.Instagram.com/destafricagrp
How Well Do You Know Your Child - US Dad & Daughter
In this video, Captain Hayford from Webnation is teaming up with his father to answer some questions about how well they know their child.
Youtuber Captain Hayford from has travelled the world in pursuit of his dreams and is thankful for the support of his family what the full video it's truly amazing!
ℹ To find out more about Destination Africa and our products & services, visit our website: www.TheDestinationAfrica.com
Artwork by Adjei: @busybrainartgallery
+233 24 345 9188
Instagram: www.Instagram.com/destafricagrp
Do you know your child as well as you think you do? In this video, Auntie Jackie and Niece Afia take the Destination Africa challenge to find out how well they really know each other. From questions about your child's favorite food to their current interests, this quiz will give you a sneak peek into your kids' lives.
By taking this quiz, you'll be able to see where you need to improve your child-knowledge and learn some easy ways to improve communication with your kids. Watch the video to find out how you can get started!
ℹ To find out more about Destination Africa and our products & services, visit our website: www.TheDestinationAfrica.com
Instagram: www.Instagram.com/destafricagrp
Do you have a connection with your child that you can feel? In this video, Co-Founder of Africa Global Radio Yasmin Bitugu and her son go through the Destination Africa process to find out how well you know each other.
If you don't have that connection with your child, it's hard to get them to do the things you want them to. Yasmin shares her journey and connection with your child, and how to get them to do what you want. Whether you're a parent or guardian, this video is a great way to learn about how to connect better with your child.
For more information about Africa Global Radio and its rich content visit https://africaglobalradio.com
Artwork by Adjei: @busybrainartgallery
+233 24 345 9188
ℹ To find out more about Destination Africa and our products & services, visit our website: www.TheDestinationAfrica.com
Instagram: www.Instagram.com/destafricagrp
Do you know how well you know your child? In this video, we're going to take a look at how well Founder of @kukuwafitness Kukuwa Tweneboah knows her daughter Samantha Nana Esi. This educational and entertaining moment concludes with a powerful & emotional end.
By the end of this video, you'll be able to guess how well you know your child based on their responses to the exercises. So come join us and find out!
In this video, we're going to discuss how to avoid peer pressure and stay focused in school or work.
Peer pressure can be a huge distraction, and it's easy to get pulled in by the crowd. In this video, we'll discuss some tips on how to resist peer pressure and stay focused on your goals. We'll also discuss how to deal with peer pressure when it does start to get to you, and how to stay positive and optimistic in the face of opposition.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by your schoolwork or your work place, this video is for you. We'll discuss the different types of peer pressure and how to best deal with it. We hope that this video will help you to stay.
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There are a lot of risks associated with being a single mother, and it's important to be aware of them so you can protect yourself. In this video, we'll discuss the dangers of single motherhood and how to protect yourself from them.
Single motherhood can be a rewarding experience, but it also poses a number of dangers. In this video, we'll discuss some of the most common dangers of single motherhood and how to protect yourself from them. We'll also discuss some of the resources you can use to help you stay safe and healthy as a single mother.
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There are a lot of risks associated with being a father, and it's important to be aware of them so you can protect yourself. In this video, we'll discuss the dangers and challenges of single fatherhood and how to protect yourself from them.
Single fatherhood can be a rewarding experience, but it also poses a number of dangers. In this video, we'll discuss some of the most common challenges of single fatherhood and how to protect yourself from them. This is a must listen for men and the women.
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#colourism #colourism
In this video, we're going to explore Colourism in the Black Community. Colourism is a systematic oppression and discrimination based on skin color.
Colourism in the black community is real and it's something you need to be aware of. This video will help you understand the issue and what you can do to help fight it. So don't stay silent any longer, learn about Colourism in the Black Community and take action to end it!
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In this video, we'll share 8 expert tips to keep your children safe. From safety precautions to preventing disasters, these tips will help you keep your kids safe and healthy!
Keeping your children safe is something that we as parents constantly have to worry about. In this video, we'll share with you some of the best tips to keep your child safe from dangerous situations. From safety precautions to preventing disasters, these tips will help you keep your children safe and healthy!
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#shorts #parenting #favouritism
Do you have child favouritism in your family? If so, it's time to stop! Child favouritism is harmful and can have negative consequences on children. In this video, we'll explore what child favouritism is and how to break the cycle of child favouritism.
If you're wondering how to break the cycle of child favouritism in your family, then watch this video! We'll show you how to identify child favouritism and how to start treating your children as equals. By understanding child favouritism and breaking the cycle, you'll be able to help your children develop healthy relationships from a young age!
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Welcome back it's been a while and we're glad to be back.
We start of this season with an interesting topic and one which came up high of our client satisfaction survey.
We delve into the keys to raising FEARLESS & CONFIDENT Afro children. Let us know your favourite of the seven profound points.
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#afroparenting #parentingtips #parenting #DestinationAfrica #destafricagrp #inspiringthenxtgen #learnersoftodayleadersoftomorrow #learnersoftoday #leadersoftomorrow #legacy #mindset #mindblowing #relationships #family #community #afrocommunity #proudlyafro #proudlyafrican