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Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 touched down in Los Angeles for a performance at Lodge Room. This is the full performance of "Kalakuta Show".
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#SeunKuti #JazzIsDead #ArtDontSleep
Hey guys!! 1ST off i want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!
and felt like starting off the NEW YEAR with a BANG!
so i came up with the 50 BURPEE CHALLENGE
basically you do 10 burpee's for each minute till you reach 5 minutes (rest time is the seconds left after the 10 burpee's) trust me not a easy one but NO EXCUSES ROUND HERE!! GET THAT WORK!!
ORDER MY S.B (Spiritually Blessed) SHIRT - https://.spirituallyBlessed.com/STOREENVY
for more!
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/body_by_burnhard/
From the compilation album "Togo Soul 70".
Title track from the new album "Heiwa" by multi-instrumentalist Mansur Brown. Something different...
From "Immaculate Mixtape". Haffi believe inna mi self...
From the album "Maggot Brain". Iconic song. Iconic album. Iconic cover. Iconic band.
Another selection from Sangare's "Acoustic" album. Video cuts out, but the audio still plays.
This is an Afrometrics News, A Research-Based News Podcast, upload covering emerging research from the previous week. You may visit Afrometrics at Afrometrics.org for more.
This episode is another special one, we have a special guest, Dr. Kendall Ware who is a Professor of Mathematics. He joined me for a discussion of his very interesting study titled "The Effect of Black Educators on Black Students' Beliefs Towards Mathematics."
"The Effect of Black Educators on Black Students' Beliefs Towards Mathematics" Paper Link:
We will be having more guests on our podcast segment of our research based news show to discuss their studies that have been previously presented on the show.
Please subscribe and like the video! And come back weekly, new research based news uploads will be available weekly on Mondays and podcast uploads featuring guests will be available on Sundays at 4PM EST.
Let's Connect on my Socials!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seriemcdoug...
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.om/ZMey6pfUT/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seriemcdougal
This is an Afrometrics News, A Research-Based News Podcast, upload covering emerging research from the previous weeks. You may visit Afrometrics at Afrometrics.org for more.
This episode is another special one, we have four special guest, Dr. Linwood Tauheed, an Economics Professor, who joined me for a discussion of his very interesting study titled "One Hundred Years of African American Economists: Difficulties and Prospects for Black Political Economy in the 21st Century."
"One Hundred Years of African American Economists: Difficulties and Prospects for Black Political Economy in the 21st Century." Paper Link:
Guest Social Media Handles: N/A
We will be having more guests on our podcast segment of our research based news show to discuss their studies that have been previously presented on the show.
Please subscribe, share, and like the video! And come back weekly, new research based news uploads will be available weekly on Mondays and podcast uploads featuring guests will be available on Sundays at 4PM EST.
Let's Connect on my Socials!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seriemcdoug...
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.om/ZMey6pfUT/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seriemcdougal
Javascript is one of most popular languages for 2020. This language lets your build full stack applications using just one single language unlike many other languages
Easy to to learn and powerful, Javascript is a must. Upon completion of this course you will a solid foundation enabling to start to building backend applications using NodeJS and frontend applications using React of Vue
Let's go.
► Table of contents
00:00:00 - Intro
00:04:00 - Quick word before we begin
00:09:00 - What we are going to learn in this section
00:57:00 - The Setup
00:12:15 - Variables
00:18:43 - Objects
00:27:06 - Arrays
00:35:41 - Arithmetic Operators
00:39:47 - Functions
00:56:23 - Loops
1:05:40 - Break and Continue Keywords
1:10:15 - If Statements
1:16:04 - Switch Statement
1:31:43 - Logical and Comparison Operators
1:29:38 - Type Coercion
1:35:42 - Single vs Double Quotes
1:39:37 - Map | Filter | Reduce functions
1:48:17 - Callbacks
1:54:27 - Wrap up
1:55:16 - Name Exports and Imports
1:58:54 - Name Exports and Imports PART 2
2:00:58 - Default Exports and Imports
2:03:57 - Variable Scope and Let Keyword
2:06:05 - Const Keyword
2:09:40 - Template Literals
2:12:21 - Spread Operators on Arrays
2:17:23 - Spread Operators on Objects
2:19:35 - Arrow Functions
2:24:06 - Lexical and the this keyword
2:29:04 - Enhanced Object Properties
2:33:30 - Array Destcructuring
2:37:00 - Object Destcructuring
2:41:13 - More on object destcructuring
2:43:43 - Function Default Parameters
2:47:24 - Classes in a nutshell
2:49:17 - Creating classes
2:57:21 - Inheritance
3:07:40 - Static methods
3:09:38 - Promises Keynote
3:11:41 - Creating Promises
3:15:54 - Promise.all
3:22:55 - Promises and Fetch API
3:30:51 - Generators Keynote
3:33:36 - Your first Generator
3:38:30 - More on Generators
3:42:27 - Coroutines Keynote
3:44:34 - Generators Promises and Coroutines
3:53:22 - Intro to Async Await
4:02:30 - From generators to Async Await
4:07:20 - Handling Errors
4:09:20 - Wrap up
➡️ Enrol here for free - https://bit.ly/390XvFe
➡️ Clone Repo here - https://github.com/amigoscode/javascript
➡️ Javascript Documentation - https://developer.mozilla.org/....en-US/docs/Web/JavaS
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▶️ Join Closed Facebook Group for discussion and early access videos and courses | http://bit.ly/2FbuIkx
▶️ Follow me on Instagram | http://bit.ly/2TSkA9w
Next recommended courses
➡️ ReactJS Course - https://bit.ly/3b8spNg
➡️ NodeJS and Express course - https://bit.ly/3bbdcLx
Ooops almost forgot
▶️ Don't forget to subscribe | http://bit.ly/2HpF5V8
▶️ Join Closed Facebook Group for discussion and early access videos and courses | http://bit.ly/2FbuIkx
▶️ Follow me on Instagram | http://bit.ly/2TSkA9w
Catch you on the next one...
For over 10 years, the academic and public health sectors have promoted "violence prevention" non-profits as the "evidence based" alternative to mass incarceration and a solution to the shootings plauging American cities.
With the Biden administration set to invest 4 billion dollars in "violence prevention", some fear these services represent a co-option of grassroots anti violence work and an attempt to cash in the public's anxieties around street crime, using the #DefundThePolice movement to strengthen the nonprofit industrial complex.
In this talk, LBS Director of Research Lawrence Grandpre will violence prevention as an example of the need for emancipatory, African Centered research. He'll be diving into the literature to display the limitations in Eurocentric public health methodologies of violence prevention and the need for African centered alternatives.
From the South African jazz composer's 2015 album 'Listening to the Ground.'
From the compilation album "Next Stop Soweto 4: Zulu Rock, Afro-Disco & Mbaqanga 1975-1985"
Lily teaches Dr Hashtag to play 2 types of tsoro. There are many ways to play store these are just some of the ways its played.
Join me at the Mbongi this Monday April 19th at 11AM Eastern time as we have a conversation with Mr. Akil Parker out of Philadelphia, PA. Mr. Parker is a mathematician, teacher, researcher, and creator of "All This Math, LLC", a math tutoring and educational consulting company. We will discuss his journey as a Philadelphia public school teacher for over 15 years and his transition from public education to consultancy. In addition to his life and education, we will also discuss the importance of math as a tool for African liberation. This will be a powerful show that you do not want to miss. So please mark your calendars, like, and share this link with friends and colleagues. Learn more about Akil at: https://www.allthismath.com/New Merchandise at our Spreadshirt Storehttps://www.spreadshirt.com/shop/user/imhotep06/To continue to support this channel, please consider donating with Cash App: CashApp: $asarimhotepPayPal: https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=KY68KNYLEPMGA Visit me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/imhotep06Visit me on Instagram: imhotep1906My webpage: http://asarimhotep.com
From the 2006 album, 'Toto Bissainthe rétrospective (Chanson française et haitienne)'.
From his 1979 album 'The Sisters'
From her 1993 album 'Ko Sira'
From the Senegalese musician's 1987 album 'Natt'.
From the album 'The Return'. Zambian-born rapper extraordinaire