
Kwabena Ofori Osei
48 Views · 2 years ago

Nigeria grows 63 million metric tons of cassava (also known as yuca or manioc) every year, but most of the country's supply is eaten locally as fufu or garri. Experts say Nigeria could be missing out on billions in exports of lucrative cassava products like bubble tea pearls, starch, or ethanol. Challenges along the country's entire supply chain have caused hundreds of millions of dollars in cassava spoilage. But one entrepreneur, Yemisi Iranloye, thinks she has the solution. She's introduced higher-yielding seed varieties and moved processing plants closer to farms. Now, her farmers earn four times more for their product, and her cassava starch and sorbitol have landed her clients like Nestle and Unilever. Could Yemisi's model be the way for Nigeria to feed itself and cash in on exports?

0:00 Intro
1:48 History of cassava
2:58 Growing issues
5:42: How garri and fufu are made
6:54 Transportation issues
7:36 How cassava is processed
10:06 Global demand is so high for cassava

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Nigeria Is The World's Biggest Cassava Producer. So Why Doesn't It Make Money Off Exports?

Kwabena Ofori Osei
20 Views · 2 years ago

In 2021, Ghana grew 1 million tons of cocoa. But it exported most of that to Europe and North America, where it was turned into chocolate. And the big bucks are in chocolate. Trapped in a trade relationship with Europe and struggling to process chocolate itself, Ghana sees little of the industry's profits. So as chocolate companies rake in billions, cocoa farmers struggle to make a living income. We went to Ghana to see the impact on farmers and learn how local entrepreneurs are trying to keep chocolate dollars inside their country.


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