
Ọbádélé Kambon
159 Views · 2 years ago

#beyondthereturn #wodemaya #africatotheworld #africaunite #kevoyburton#ghanacaribbean #Association
Kwaminat tv is a channel that focused on promoting African businesses at home and abroad bringing Entertainment news talk to Intellectuals and changing the narrative of how the rest of the #world thinks about Africans living in #diaspora and #africans in Africa # subscribe and join our youtube family. let's grow by liking, sharing, and commenting.
#beyondthereturn #africatotheworld
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Kwabena Ofori Osei
125 Views · 1 year ago

In this exclusive documentary Cape Coast Castle is brought to the for front and the grave history of what occurred during the transatlantic slave trade Is highlighted.

Ọbádélé Kambon
96 Views · 2 years ago

#abibitumiconference #obadelekambon #sj2023 #beyondthereturn #wodemaya #africatotheworld #africaunite Kwaminat tv is a channel that focused on promoting African businesses at home and abroad bringing Entertainment news talk to Intellectuals and changing the narrative of how the rest of the #world thinks about Africans living in #diaspora and #africans in Africa #subscribe and join our youtube family. let's grow by liking, sharing, and commenting.#beyondthereturn #africatotheworld