
Tata Naka
60 Views · 2 years ago

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➡️ Watch More Reasonings From Mutabaruka:

In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka criticizes West Indian people who deny their African ancestry.

➡️ Please subscribe to Mutabarukas' new internet radio station Rasss Internet: https://rasssinternet.today

➡️ Listen To The 'Generation Gap Riddim':
🔥🇬🇳 https://ingrv.es/generation-gap-riddi-3qn-i 🇬🇳🔥

#mutabaruka #ineverknewtv

Baka Omubo
24 Views · 1 year ago

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➡️ Watch More Reasonings From Mutabaruka:

In this reasoning, Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka lashes out against peopele who throw garbage any and everywhere disregarding the earth.

➡️ Please subscribe to Mutabaruka's new internet radio station Rasss Internet: https://rasssinternet.today

➡️ Listen To The 'Generation Gap Riddim':
🔥🇬🇳 https://ingrv.es/generation-gap-riddi-3qn-i 🇬🇳🔥

#mutabaruka #ineverknewtv

Tata Naka
21 Views · 2 years ago

➡️ Sign Up Today To Join The 'I Never Knew Tv' Movement:

In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka criticizes Jamaican dancehall music for its promotion of extreme violence, drug use, sexual promiscuity and destructive behavior.

➡️ Please subscribe to Mutabarukas' new internet radio station Rasss Internet: https://rasssinternet.today

➡️ Get Your 'Nyahbinghi Shirt' Today:

➡️ Listen To The 'Generation Gap Riddim':
🔥🇬🇳 https://ingrv.es/generation-gap-riddi-3qn-i 🇬🇳🔥

➡️ Tune into 'I NEVER KNEW 📻'
🇲🇱Roots, Rock, Reggae Music🇲🇱
Hosted By : Jr of 'I Never Knew Tv'
Sunday 9 -11 AM EST
Wednesday 8- 10 AM EST
Thursday 10- Noon AM EST

#mutabaruka #dancehall

Baka Omubo
15 Views · 5 months ago

n this powerful clip from Groundings With My Brothers and Sister 2024, renowned poet and activist Mutabaruka shares an uplifting message about resilience. He emphasizes the importance of persevering through life's challenges and never giving up, even in the toughest of times.

Watch more reasonings from Mutabaruka:

🎧 Catch 'I NEVER KNEW 📻' for Roots, Rock, Reggae Music!
Hosted by Jr of 'I Never Knew TV'
📅 Sundays: 9 - 11 AM EST
📅 Wednesdays: 8 - 10 AM EST
📅 Thursdays: 10 AM - Noon EST
Listen live: https://wloy.org/listen/

#mutabaruka #ineverknewtv