Science, Tech, Engineering and Math

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
18 Views · 3 years ago

Presented by Ron Eglash; co-hosted by the University of Michigan School of Information and the Library of Michigan; project made possible in part by the University of Michigan School of Information. For an audio transcript of this video, please visit .

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
15 Views · 3 years ago

This video will explore African fractals in various contexts such as textile, hair styles and architecture.


Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
23 Views · 3 years ago

From simple alphabets to secret symbolic languages, graphic designer Saki Mafundikwa celebrates the many forms of written communication across the continent of Africa. He highlights the history and legacy that are embodied in written words and symbols, and urges African designers to draw on these graphic forms for fresh inspiration. It's summed up in his favorite Ghanaian glyph, Sankofa, which means "return and get it" -- or "learn from the past."

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
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Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
10 Views · 3 years ago

Designing for Generative Justice

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
11 Views · 3 years ago "I am a mathematician, and I would like to stand on your roof." That is how Ron Eglash greeted many African families he met while researching the fractal patterns hed noticed in villages across the continent.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes -- including speakers such as Jill Bolte Taylor, Sir Ken Robinson, Hans Rosling, Al Gore and Arthur Benjamin. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, politics and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on, at

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
5 Views · 3 years ago

Extra dimensions of space—the idea that we are immersed in hyperspace—may be key to explaining the fundamental nature of the universe. Relativity introduced time as the fourth dimension, and Einstein’s subsequent work envisioned more dimensions still--but ultimately hit a dead end. Modern research has advanced the subject in ways he couldn’t have imagined. John Hockenberry joins Brian Greene, Lawrence Krauss, and other leading thinkers on a visual tour through wondrous spatial realms that may lie beyond the ones we experience.

The World Science Festival gathers great minds in science and the arts to produce live and digital content that allows a broad general audience to engage with scientific discoveries. Our mission is to cultivate a general public informed by science, inspired by its wonder, convinced of its value, and prepared to engage with its implications for the future.

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Original Program date:June 5, 2010
MODERATOR: John Hockenberry
PARTICIPANTS: Escher String Quartet, Brian Greene, Lawrence Krauss, Linda Dalrymple Henderson, Shamit Kachru

Brian Greene and a moment of physics. 00:00

Einstein and what is gravity. 04:40

Three dimensional space and the warps and curves of gravity. 06:33

What does 3D space look like? 10:55

Escher String Quartet. 16:34

John Hockenberry Introduction. 21:22

Participant Introductions. 24:17

The history of multi-dimensions. 25:43

Who preceded mathematician Kaluza. 31:14

Whats the difference between math and physics 33:21

Graviton's and quantum particles. 40:42

Do experimental physicists except the math as truth? 45:45

Quarks, Leptons and Forces. 53:10

The Calabi-Yau manifold 55:34

Einstein's lunar eclipse experiment. 01:00:00

Describing the fourth dimension 01:05:56

Will there be discoveries outside of just mathematics? 01:07:10

Physics... It is not easy and it takes along time. 01:15:25

Everything we see is just pollution. 01:19:35

The excitement the super string theory. 01:23:22

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
11 Views · 3 years ago

No Beginning & No Ending, Shown & Proven in No Limit of Time...

Arthur C. Clarke presents this unusual documentary on the mathematical discovery of the Mandelbrot Set (M-Set), in the visually spectacular world of fractal geometry.

This show relates the science of the M-Set to nature in a way that seems to identify the hand of God in the design of the universe.

Dr. Mandelbrot in 1980 discovered the infinitely complex geometrical shape called the Mandelbrot Set, using a very simple equation with computers and graphics.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
5 Views · 3 years ago

Mysteriously beautiful fractals are shaking up the world of mathematics and deepening our understanding of nature. You may not know it, but fractals, like the air you breathe, are all around you. Their irregular, repeating shapes are found in cloud formations and tree limbs, in stalks of broccoli and craggy mountain ranges, even in the rhythm of the human heart. For centuries, fractal-like irregular shapes were considered beyond the boundaries of mathematical understanding. Now, mathematicians have finally begun mapping this uncharted territory. Their remarkable findings are deepening our understanding of nature and stimulating a new wave of scientific, medical, and artistic innovation stretching from the ecology of the rain forest to fashion design. The documentary highlights a host of filmmakers, fashion designers, physicians, and researchers who are using fractal geometry to innovate and inspire.

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Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
11 Views · 3 years ago

Your eyes and ears don’t tell you the truth. That’s not what they’re for. The senses evolved to enable us to survive and succeed in the world, not to represent it accurately. Now, for the first time, science is revealing exactly how the sense organs receive information, process it, and pass it to the brain, providing deep insight into why we experience the world the way we do—and what it might be like for future technology to transform such experiences, perhaps allowing us to see infrared light or feel magnetic north. Join an eminent group of neuroscientists and philosophers for an ear, tongue, nose and eye-opening adventure that challenges everything we experience in search of the true nature of reality.

PARTICIPANTS: Christine Constantinople, Donald Hoffman, Stavros Lomvardas, Beau Lotto, Anil Seth

MODERATOR: Elizabeth Vargas


This program is part of the BIG IDEAS SERIES, made possible with support from the JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION.

0:00 - Program introduction
0:40 - Beau Lotto perceptual biases demonstrations
9:01 - Panelist introductions
11:10 - What is accurate perception?
15:45 - Neural basis of decision biases
17:49 - The illusion of smell
19:07 - “The dress” photo illusion
26:02 - Has our survival relied on one sense more than another?
28:21 - Contextual nature of the brain demonstration
33:00 - Does an independent reality exist?
35:09 - The umwelt
39:50 - How we perceive change
42:40 - Expectations vs. evidence in the sensory world
43:46 - Do some senses work faster than others?
49:50 - How does high emotion affect our senses?
50:43 - Synesthesia
57:00 - Neural networks studying perception
59:34 - The rubber hand illusion
1:04:20 - Do we really only have 5 senses?
1:06:52 - Parting thoughts on reality vs. perception

- Produced by Andy Meyer
- Associate Produced by Matt Carlstrom
- Music provided by APM
- Additional images and footage provided by: Venturebeat, Upload VR, Your Discovery Science
- Recorded at Gerald W. Lynch Theatre at John Jay College

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Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
18 Views · 3 years ago

For the last half century we have slipped the surly bonds of earth with landers, rovers and spacecraft that have allowed us to touch the very edge of the Solar System and beyond. Voyager 1, launched in 1977, has entered interstellar space. The Parker Solar Probe will soon graze the Sun. We have visited and photographed all eight planets and their moons, and powerful space telescopes are seeking signs of life on thousands of planets we have discovered circling other stars. Capping it off, we now have the first image of a black hole, at the heart of a galaxy 55 million light years away. Join us for a trip across the cosmos, guided by renowned astronomers and space scientists whose spacefaring probes provide humankind’s sharply focused eyes in the skies.

This program is part of the BIG IDEAS SERIES, made possible with support from the JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION.

PARTICIPANTS: Farah Alibay, Padi Boyd, Jim Irons, Nour Raouafi

MODERATOR: Caleb Scharf


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