
Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
19 Views · 3 years ago

Recorded December 8, 2014 - Angela Siela investigated food intake patterns and contextual factors related to household food insecurity. She will show the importance of the home garden in international development programming.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
10 Views · 3 years ago

[English below]

Songhaï est avant tout motivé par le bonheur ! Le désir de bonheur est l'impulsion pour un développement socio-économique durable. Il n'y a pas de bonheur dans l'insuffisance alimentaire, l'actuel exode rural africain et la fuite des cerveaux, une économie dépendante des importations, la dégradation de l'environnement, la perte d'espoir pour l'avenir chez les jeunes, l'agriculture de subsistance et la dévaluation de l'opportunité qui vient avec une croissance démographique excessive.
Le père Godfrey Nzamujo, est un prêtre dominicain, titulaire d'un doctorat en électronique, microbiologie et sciences du développement. Le père Nzamujo s'est associé à un groupe d'Africains et d'amis de l'Afrique qui partagent la vision de rendre à l'Afrique sa dignité, trop longtemps bafouée.
En 1982-1983, les médias ont fourni de nombreuses images de la famine africaine et de la grave sécheresse qui ont frappé l'Éthiopie en particulier. Ces images ont dépeint l'Afrique comme un continent ravagé par des guerres sanglantes, la famine, les crises et la pauvreté - un continent où l'espoir n'était pas permis. Le père Nzamujo, qui était alors professeur d'université aux États-Unis, a débarqué en Afrique avec la ferme conviction de changer les choses. "Au début, personne n'y croyait, ni mon ordre religieux, ni ma famille et mes amis. Mais j'étais convaincu que demain serait différent, parce que Dieu allait nous aider et que l'injustice pouvait être repoussée. ("Songhai When Africa stands up", p.28).

Quatre ans après sa création, Songhai a commencé à former de jeunes entrepreneurs agricoles. La formation de longue durée a commencé à Porto-Novo en 1989. Le Centre a étendu sa mission à tout le Bénin et à la sous-région occidentale de l'Afrique.

Songhai is motivated primarily by happiness! The desire for happiness is the impetus for sustainable socio-economic development. There is no happiness in food insufficiency, the current African rural exodus and brain drain, an import-dependent economy, environmental degradation, loss of hope for the future among young people, subsistence agriculture, and devaluation of the opportunity that comes with excessive population growth.
Father Godfrey Nzamujo, is a Dominican priest with doctorate degrees in electronics, microbiology, and development science. Father Nzamujo joined forces with a group of Africans and friends of Africa who shared the vision of giving back to Africa its dignity, which has been scorned for far too long.
During 1982-1983, the media provided abundant images of African famine and severe drought, which struck Ethiopia in particular. These images portrayed Africa as a continent ravaged by bloody wars, famine, crisis, and poverty -- a continent where hope was not permitted. Father Nzamujo, who was then a university professor in the United States, landed in Africa with the firm conviction to change things. "At first, nobody believed it, neither my religious order, nor my family and friends. But I was convinced that tomorrow would be different, because God was going to help us and that injustice could be pushed away. (“Songhai When Africa stands up”, p.28).

Four years after its creation, Songhai began to train young agricultural entrepreneurs. Long duration training began in Porto-Novo in 1989. The Centre expanded its mission throughout Benin and western sub-region of Africa.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
24 Views · 3 years ago

With his pilgrim's staff and Panama hat, Father Godfrey Nzamujo nips up and down the paths of Songhai, the organic farm he created nearly 30 years ago as a tool against poverty and rural migration in Africa. Duration: 02:21

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
35 Views · 3 years ago

Reverend Father Godfrey Nzamujo founded the Songhai Center in 1985 in Porto Novo, with the aim of training young 'barefoot' engineers who once established, would educate their communities on sustainable systems of agriculture. "The inability to produce goods and services to meet our basic needs causes us to export wealth and import poverty" he says, as he shares deep insight into Songhai's integrated agro-production system.

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Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Permaculture expert, John Nzira shares with us how to determine what to plant.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
13 Views · 3 years ago

Permaculture expert, John Nzira shares with us how to prepare the soil/land for your household/community food garden.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
53 Views · 3 years ago

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Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
11 Views · 3 years ago

This is a recording of a webinar hosted by Pesticide Action Network (PAN) International. Hear farmers from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and North America sharing their experiences and successes in agroecology. This proven approach to farming — grounded in principles of equity, collectivity, and food sovereignty — has enabled farmers around the world to replace dependence on highly hazardous pesticides with healthy, resilient food and farming systems that nourish their communities, ecosystems, and the planet.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
17 Views · 3 years ago

ORFC Global 2021 Session

West African Farmer Testimonies: How We Are Overcoming the Crisis of Climate Change in the Sahel Through Natural Regeneration of Trees on Our Farms

Small-scale farmers in the 16 countries of the Sahel in West Africa face a dual crisis to their livelihoods: climate change and land degradation. 

For many generations, farmers had lived and farmed in equilibrium with the natural environment. They maintained soil fertility, water holding capacity and crop production through fallowing and other practices. 

Today, population pressure, climate change, soil erosion, misuse of agrochemicals have reduced the resiliency and sustainability of the farming system. Farm communities have become highly vulnerable to drought. Hunger and chronic malnutrition have increased. 

This session highlights the testimonies of farmers, men and women, from 4 countries in the Sahel in overcoming these problems. They represent a wider movement adapting the principles of “agroecology” (learning how to work with nature). This grassroots, farmer-led movement has achieved remarkable success in transforming landscapes, adapting to climate change, regenerating their soils, and improving their food security. 

Their inspiring testimonies show how human determination, innovation, and collective action have brought hope to one of the most ecologically fragile, crisis prone areas in Africa.

Tsuamba Bourgou
Fatou Batta
Dan Banuoku

Peter Gubbels


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