Babasola Adejola
Babasola Adejola

Babasola Adejola



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Babasola Adejola
15 Views · 1 month ago

The Chinese are one of the best race son the planet to study how you should deal with the West...African people have fallen in love with their oppessors. They reward the European for racism. Chinese people see Europeans as a tool, they will take their infromation and tech and weaponize to use it for Chinese power.

Babasola Adejola
11 Views · 1 month ago

Decolonization of European terms like house slave field slave, coon, tom are terminology our enemies use to describe Africans we need to start using African words to describe racial traitors.

Babasola Adejola
13 Views · 1 month ago

African people have been under different phases of European Domination we went from Contact, Chattelization (Slavery), Colonization and now we are in a new phase of racist White Domination : Neo Colonialization.

Babasola Adejola
7 Views · 1 month ago

Kenyan MP exposes how the Kenyan Government is being a Black Face on White Power which is the new stragety of the West after losing the battles in the 1960s.

Babasola Adejola
17 Views · 2 months ago

In 2024, 1700 terrorist live a place called on Orania in the north coast of the Land of Black People. In the USA the Native people have had their racial identity take from them by Whites, and Whites have forcefully taken their land and enforce unjust laws on them saying they are not allowed to Hunt.

Babasola Adejola
15 Views · 2 months ago

Racism is not taught, it is a natural part of the European psychology and biochemical. When you racially mix with White people you are creating more racist!

Babasola Adejola
12 Views · 2 months ago

Once of the biggest issues Africans must face is how we deal with these Mulatto charlatans who continue to apporioate the African indenity and serve the interest of the European, Arab and Asian families. This is a problem right now in the Sudan as Arab Hybrids are attacking Authentic Black Africans. These Mulattoes always promote Blacks are powerless and helpess and need Eurasians to "help" us. Its a con game/

Babasola Adejola
14 Views · 2 months ago

Dr. Jared A Ball a modern day AA Dodds was on his Jewtube page critizing Dr. Amos N Wilson speaking about Black Buying Power which he claims doesnt exist. Once again another Mulatto charaltan who sits among Africans doing the work of his Ancestors the EuroPeons.

Babasola Adejola
15 Views · 2 months ago

When you forgive without justice, the injustice and inequality increases and you reward injustice - Nana Amos N Wilson...Africans continue to reward Racism.

Babasola Adejola
8 Views · 2 months ago

White losers, people who are social rejects in mainstream White society like to talk about race to gain attention and adorotation from Black people because they are negelected in their communtiy.

Babasola Adejola
11 Views · 2 months ago

The European is now claiming he is a White African. This goes to Nana Amos N Wilson saying that the European plans to never give up social control of African people.

Babasola Adejola
9 Views · 2 months ago

African people are heavily Christian, and many treasonous older Black people abuse children, undermine children and kiss European ass. The African parents under European rulership is a tool of White Hegemony!!

Babasola Adejola
10 Views · 2 months ago

A society that doesnt protect its children has no future!!!
Why did Europeans become African?

Babasola Adejola
17 Views · 2 months ago

From 1904 to 2024....100 years of the glorification of the Abuse of African children. From putting African children in Zoos to now putting African boys in dresses and to allowing Europeans and UN workers to go to African and sexually brutalize African boys and girls.

Babasola Adejola
12 Views · 2 months ago

The bold behavior and actions of African/Black traitors in service of White Hegemony. Some African will do anything for money and acceptance from Euroasians including using an African child as cannon fodder.

Babasola Adejola
11 Views · 2 months ago

African people seem to be lacking a culture. This man would not have been allowed to walk around in Jean Jacaques Dessalines Haiti.

Babasola Adejola
14 Views · 2 months ago

The USA is seen as the most powerful country in the world, Black West Africa has the land and population and the development potential to challege the USA, this is why the USA want's its churchs and military bases plastered around Black West Africa. What will it take for Black West Africa to make the European North Americans assume their minority position in the world?

Babasola Adejola
8 Views · 2 months ago

Nana, Amos N Wilson spoke about how European's speak openly how to opress and dominate African people. I have lost 10 Youtube Channels for critizing Whites, Whites Governments and they have all my accounts shawdow banned because of analysis of the Eurasian West. I hope this platfor gives me the opporunity to spread much of my work over the last 8 years.

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