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Mulatto 5th Column Case Study #1: Dr. Claude "TheFraud" Anderson
Once of the biggest issues Africans must face is how we deal with these Mulatto charlatans who continue to apporioate the African indenity and serve the interest of the European, Arab and Asian families. This is a problem right now in the Sudan as Arab Hybrids are attacking Authentic Black Africans. These Mulattoes always promote Blacks are powerless and helpess and need Eurasians to "help" us. Its a con game/
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A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation. = MULATTOES!
Make it plain
“A lot of whites know we can’t make it otherwise that’s why we need them.”
Nah, I’m good with that self-defeating attitude.
I don’t need white people people to make it.
Black people have lived and built civilizations for millions upon millions upon millions of years without white people, but in just the last 500 years that we have had contact with white people, it seems Black people cannot do anything without white people being involved.
“All whites are not bad.”
Whenever you here a “Black” person say that, most likely he/she has a white person in his/her bedroom and/or house.
Black people gave Dr. Umar Snow Bunni Johnson...800K to build a school...he called them trifling, yet how much money has "Biracial Africans" cracker parents gave him?