
Kwabena Ofori Osei
38 Ansichten · 9 Monate vor

Brazil's government ended its slavery regime in 1888, but it never sought to deal with the conditions in which it left the black population and deep scar left on Brazilian society

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#slaveryinbrazil #blackbrazilians #afrobrazilians #racisminbrazil #raceinbrazil #blackinbrazil

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© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
23 Ansichten · 5 Monate vor

In Brazil, it is known that many black people have been taught to whiten the family through interracial unions with white men and women. In this video, one teacher recalls how his grandmother encouraged the girls and women in his family to choose white men.


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Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

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#lovehasnocolor #whitening #whitewashing #embranquecimento #interracialmarriage #interracialrelationships #brazil #whiteness #improvetherace #afrobrazilians #blackbrazilians #socialengineering

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© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
20 Ansichten · 7 Monate vor

"They're BLACK!": Afro-Brazilians want Paris Olympic winners of visible African ancestry recognized as BLACK. White Brazilians, on the other hand, say that pointing out racial classification is divisive and unnecessary. The debate is yet another example of the rise of racial politics in Brazil.Please Visit our Website to get more information: https://blackbraziltoday.com/🔔Explore the true narrative of Brazil – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for insightful discussions on race, culture, and media.🔍 =============================✅ About Black Brazil Today. Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges. Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬 🔔 Let's Explore the untold stories – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for the latest on black Brazilians in news, music, and entertainment. 🎵📰 https://www.youtube.com/@black....braziltoday3316/tuto =================================#racialpolitics #blackbrazilians #afrobrazilians #2024olympics #paris2024 #raceinbrazil #whitebrazilians #blackidentity #blackinbrazil #blackathletes ⚠️DISCLAIMER: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Black Brazil Today. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
20 Ansichten · 7 Monate vor

Brazil has always promoted itself as a country where there are no problems with interracial union but upon deeper analysis, we discover that there are sometimes issues, specifically when white Brazilians date black Brazilians and the time comes to present new partners to the family.

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Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

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#interracialdating #datinginbrazil #interracialrelationships #racismindating
#blackwomenwhitemen #interraciallove #blackbrazilianwomen #afrobrazilians

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© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
19 Ansichten · 8 Monate vor

In Brazil, it is often assumed that when black men or women are in a nice house or car, it must belong to their white boss. Asa more Brazilians are getting access middle-class lifestyles, they are getting increasingly impatient with the attitudes of Brazilian society.

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✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

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#afrobrazilians #blackbrazilians #middleclassblacks #braziliansociety #raceinbrazil #racisminbrazil #racerelations #brazil #blackinbrazil #socialmobility

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© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
17 Ansichten · 6 Monate vor

Social influencer Raquel Brito made headlines recently when rejected suggestions that she undergo rhinoplasty surgery. Due to Brazil's Eurocentric standards of beauty, the discussion of the "correction" of the "negroide nose" is common not only within the population but also in the cosmetic surgery industry.
Please Visit our Website to get more information: https://blackbraziltoday.com/🔔Explore the true narrative of Brazil – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for insightful discussions on race, culture, and media.🔍 =============================✅ About Black Brazil Today. Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges. Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬 🔔 Let's Explore the untold stories – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for the latest on black Brazilians in news, music, and entertainment. 🎵📰 https://www.youtube.com/@black....braziltoday3316/tuto =================================#rhinoplasty #plasticsurgery #blacknose #afrobrazilians #blackbrazilians #europeanstandardofbeauty #cosmeticsurgery #raquelbrito #davibrito #beautyaesthetic ⚠DISCLAIMER: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Black Brazil Today. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
16 Ansichten · 8 Monate vor

A study by Thompson Sanders & Alexander concluded that black patients feel more accepted, understood, and perceive the provider to be more culturally sensitive when treated by black therapists. Even though that was an American study, increasingly evidence is showing this to be the case in Brazil as well.

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✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

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#blackpsychology #blackpsychologist #blacktherapist #raceinbrazil #blackinbrazil #racisminbrazil #blackbrazilians #afrobrazilians

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© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
14 Ansichten · 4 Monate vor

In a shocking video recorded in Itaúna Brazil, a white man paid a black man to allow him to whip his shirtless back with a belt. With Brazil's three and a half centuries long institution of slavery, the video shocked everyone that watched it.

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✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

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#violence #slaveryinbrazil #racebrazil #slaverystillexists #terriblejokes #blackbrazilians #afrobrazilians #slaveera #slaveryinbrazil #blackconsciousness

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© Black Brazil Today

Merch coming soon 🔥

Kwabena Ofori Osei
14 Ansichten · 3 Monate vor

After controversial, racist comments are leaked, popular TV host, Carnaval dancer Ana Paula Minerato is fired from two jobs, while her Instagram page with 1 million followers is no longer on line. Singer, Ananda, who the comments were made about, and numerous other black Brazilians expressed their outrage with the disrespectful words.
Please Visit our Website to get more information: https://blackbraziltoday.com/🔔Explore the true narrative of Brazil – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for insightful discussions on race, culture, and media.🔍 =============================✅ About Black Brazil Today. Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges. Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬 🔔 Let's Explore the untold stories – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for the latest on black Brazilians in news, music, and entertainment. 🎵📰 https://www.youtube.com/@black....braziltoday3316/tuto =================================#racisminbrazil #blackinbrazil #afrobrazilians #blackbrazilians #raceinbrazil #skincolor #hairtexture #kinkycurlyhair #cabelocrespo #anapaulaminerato #melaninacarioca #racistcomments #mixedrace #lightskinnedblackwomen #naturalblackhair ⚠DISCLAIMER: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Black Brazil Today. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Black Brazil TodayMerch coming soon 🔥

Kwabena Ofori Osei
13 Ansichten · 4 Monate vor

With the result of recent elections, Brazil's top newspaper is reporting that six mayors in capital cities are black, but the question is, what type of black men are these?

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✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

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#raceinbrazil #blackinbrazil #blackbrazilianmen #blackmen #brazilianpolitics #electionsinbrazil #raceandcolor #blackbrazilians #afrobrazilians

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Merch coming soon 🔥

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