
Kwabena Ofori Osei
45 Views · 5 months ago

After giving birth to her first child, popular singer Iza's newborn became the topic of criticism after fans saw the child's white skin. In an era of black pride in Brazil, many fans take pride in the ascension of a brown-skinned singer such as Iza. As such, they expected to see a darker-skinned child. The criticisms serve as an example of the changing racial politics in Brazil today.

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Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

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#blackbrazilians #lightskinned #lightskinnedbabies #lightskindarkskin #blackpride #racialpolitics #iza #brazilianpopularmusic #braziliansinger #brownskinnedwomen #skincolor #whitening #embranquecimento #whitewashing #blackandbrown #colorism #colorismo

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© Black Brazil Today

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
26 Views · 5 months ago

Starting in the 19th century, Brazil's leaders proclaimed the goal of whitening the Brazilian population through Eruopean immigration and the promotion of interracial unions. Added to that, an apparent agenda to lower the numbers of black and brown people through extreme tactics of police and everyday violence and we see a slow diminishing of black families. In this video, the host of the YouTube channel I AM RICARDO K expresses his opinion on the topic.

Please Visit our Website to get more information: https://blackbraziltoday.com/

🔔Explore the true narrative of Brazil – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for insightful discussions on race, culture, and media.🔍


✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

🔔 Let's Explore the untold stories – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for the latest on black Brazilians in news, music, and entertainment. 🎵📰


#miscegenation #racemixing #interracialunions #mixedrace #whitening #whitewashing #embranquecimento #brazilians #blackfamilies

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© Black Brazil Today

Merch coming soon 🔥

Kwabena Ofori Osei
25 Views · 11 months ago

In a video, a Brazilian woman discusses her opinion that black Brazilians can't realistically speak of 'amor preto', or black love until they first face their adoration of whiteness.

Please Visit our Website to get more information: https://blackbraziltoday.com/


✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

🔔 Let's Explore the untold stories – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for the latest on black Brazilians in news, music, and entertainment. 🎵📰

#afrobrazilian #whiteness #eurocentrism #whitesupremacy #blackselfesteem #blackbrazilian #racerelations #racerelationsinbrazil #mixedrace #blackidentity #amorpreto #blacklove #africandiaspora #blackinbrazil #interracial #whitewashing #embranquecimento

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© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
24 Views · 6 months ago

In Brazil, it is known that many black people have been taught to whiten the family through interracial unions with white men and women. In this video, one teacher recalls how his grandmother encouraged the girls and women in his family to choose white men.


✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

🔔 Let's Explore the untold stories – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for the latest on black Brazilians in news, music, and entertainment. 🎵📰


#lovehasnocolor #whitening #whitewashing #embranquecimento #interracialmarriage #interracialrelationships #brazil #whiteness #improvetherace #afrobrazilians #blackbrazilians #socialengineering

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Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Black Brazil Today. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided.

© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
16 Views · 11 months ago

Step into the captivating world of Ancient Kemet and explore the extraordinary life and legacy of Queen Tiye, the remarkable Kemetic Queen who reigned as one of history's most influential women. In this gripping documentary, journey back over 3,000 years to witness the rise rulers whom became just as powerful as their male counterparts.

"Queen Tiye" takes viewers on a mesmerizing exploration of Tiye's reign, alongside her husband, King Amenhotep III, and son Akhenaten. Discover the remarkable intelligence and strength that made her a force to be reckoned with, as she governed the kingdom of Kemet with wisdom and authority. Uncover the secrets of her diplomatic prowess, as she communicated with foreign leaders, leaving an indelible mark on history.

As the narrative unfolds, follow the turbulent times that saw her son, Amenhotep IV, ascend to the throne and embark on controversial religious reforms. Witness Queen Tiye's unwavering support for her son, even as his actions shook the foundations of the kingdom.

This immersive documentary celebrates Queen Tiye as one of Africa's greatest women rulers, showcasing her remarkable achievements and her enduring influence on history and culture. Prepare to be captivated by the story of a woman who defied expectations, left an indelible mark on the ancient world, and emerged as a true icon of power, intelligence, and beauty.

Reconstructions by Kings Monologue: https://www.youtube.com/@kingmono
Artwork by Sanio Digital Art: https://www.facebook.com/sanioart

0:00 Introduction
2:33 Amenhotep III
5:03 Queen Tiye
11:39 Great Hymn to Aten
13:47 Akhenaten
15:44 The End of a Dynasty

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