
Kwabena Ofori Osei
63 Views · 11 months ago

On live television, popular television variety show host asks black dancer if her hair is real, accuses her of having lice and has stage assistant pull her hair to assure it's real. Black viewers saw the act as racist subjecting a black woman to such humiliation.

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#afrobrazilian #ratinho #blackwomenhair #naturalhair #cabelocrespo #kinkycurlyhair #blackbrazilian #brazilianmedia #racisminbrazil #racistgesture

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
43 Views · 11 months ago

In a recent interview, Bahian singer Maya spoke about her difficulties in relationships with black men due to an endoctrination for the adoration of white women. Her sentiments echo the feelings of perhaps huundreds of thousands of black Brazilian women. The artist has gained an audience with style known as 'pagotrap', a mixture of Bahia's pagodão rhythm with American 'trap'

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✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

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#maya #afrobrazilian #interracialdating #downwiththeswirl #swirling #palmitagem #eurocentrism #whiteness #whitewomen #blackbrazilianwomen #blackselfesteem #blackpride #singleblackemale #lonelinessofblackwomen # solidaodamulhernegra #trapmusicbrazil #pagodão #singermaya #cantoramaya #mpb #brazilianpopularmusic

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© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
25 Views · 11 months ago

In a video, a Brazilian woman discusses her opinion that black Brazilians can't realistically speak of 'amor preto', or black love until they first face their adoration of whiteness.

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✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

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#afrobrazilian #whiteness #eurocentrism #whitesupremacy #blackselfesteem #blackbrazilian #racerelations #racerelationsinbrazil #mixedrace #blackidentity #amorpreto #blacklove #africandiaspora #blackinbrazil #interracial #whitewashing #embranquecimento

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© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
19 Views · 11 months ago

Social scientists have long compared racism in the United States, South Africa and Brazil. Unlike the US and South Africa, Brazil managed to produce similar disparities between blacks and whites without the need to mandate racial inequalities by law.

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#afrobrazilian #racerelations #africandiaspora #southafrica #brazil #unitedstates #blackbrazilians #segregation #jimcrow #apartheid #racialdemocracy #racisminbrazil #racialinequality

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© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
8 Views · 5 months ago

Social media influencer Luana Safire recently remembered an incident when she was 12 years old and had to stand up to her history teacher because of his low opinion of black capability.

Safire's defense of black people speaks to the invisibility of blacks and Africans in history textbooks that spread knowledge of world history. Brazil's education system, like that of many other countries, is Eurocentric in its depictions of Europeans in contrast to the way non-Europeans are presented.

Safire's desire to correct her teacher shows what happens when people of African descent begin to have access to information that has long been denied to them.

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✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

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#blackhistory #africanhistory #egyptianhistory #afrobrazilian #blackbrazilian #eurocentriceducation #blackbrazilianwomen #africanachievements #hiddenafricanhistory #worldhistory

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Merch coming soon 🔥