
Angela Malele
43 Views · 2 years ago

The dynamic duo of Weedie Braimah & Amadou Kouyate are back with the Fanga rhythm (Funga Alafia) made famous by Dr. Pearl Primus & numerously performed by Babatunde Olatunji. Have you ever heard it played this way?!
► Check out their FREE drumming course on African Drumming: http://worldbeat101.com
○ Weedie Braimah Djembe Solo https://youtu.be/wlo74ozz-XE
○ Weedie & Amadou Djembe Duo https://youtu.be/kNj8U9sVFZU
○ How to Play Djembe Solo Phrases for Konkoba Rhythm https://youtu.be/D57DhyXc0VM
○ How to Play the Lamban Rhythm - Djembe Pattern #1 https://youtu.be/S9H42LjXAt0

World Beat 101 is a resource for anyone interested in rhythms and music from around the globe. You can improve your knowledge and playing skills anywhere, anytime with on-line video lessons and detailed course notes from our expert instructors. Look out for new courses and free content as we build our offerings with each new instructor that joins our team... Learn from the Best!

#fanga #djembe #drum