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Great Afrikan Thinkers: Okunini Ọbádélé Kambon Interview with Director Ọnuọra Abuah
X-Live Interview - Name Registry and united snakkkes military base in Ghana
Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan & George Simmonds (1987) On African Origins.
Okunini Obadele Kambon X-Live Interview - 1804, Haiti and Launch
Kwabena JaHWi Danso - Abibifahodie Asako (Capoeira) Testimonial
Tata Robert Mugabe in Perspective - KCBLR-GH Interview with Okunini Ọbádélé Kambon
1. The Beginning, The End, The Beginning
2. Would You
3. Life and Lessons (Marcus Garvey Speaks)
4. Sitting in My Hotel Room
5. A Girl Called Johannesburg
6. Woman of Life
7. My Revolution
8. History,
9. Watch It
10. Body Count
11. Lucky (Attribute to Lucky Dube)
12. The Same Old Story (Keeps on Repeating)
13. Mr. and Mrs. Tecki Teck
Bonus Tracks
14. Would You (Dub)
15. Lucky (Dub)
University of Ghana mdw nTr Class #1