Videos que me gustaron
Kambon morning rituals
This video shows us that the African traditional religion can be practiced at the divine level and at the human level.
At the divine level, the practice is based on the purification of thoughts and aims to recover one's nature as a Child of God (an Osiris), to develop a power, and to protect the community against witchcraft. The power developed at this level is the succor of the ancestors of water (bakulu ba maza), it can only be used in good.
In human practice, the power developed in divine practice is perpetuated as the use of the spirits of forest (bakulu ba nseke) for the protection of the population, its elevation, and its peace. Power in human practice can be used in good as well in evil.
To learn more about this topic please use my book entitled BUKONGO available from Amazon.
African traditional religion (ATR) is, in reality, in exact science. This nature of ATR was known in ancient Egypt, and it has been kept in the Kongo religion, Bukôngo.
That ATR is an exact science can be proven thanks to the kemetic cosmological argument. This nature of ATR is a powerful denial of the suggestion of the cultural inferiority of the Black people.
It is also a powerful tool for the reunification of the Black Nation.
It is thus important for this dimension of African traditional religion to be brought back in all the trends of religion bequeathed by our ancestors.
More on this subject can be found in my book titled BUKÔNGO available here:
Just scrolling the many layers to a piece of artwork that create the final image. It's always a bit of a mess, haha! 🌀
The Cow-Tail Switch- A Folktale of Africa
Professor Amos N. Wilson explains why even the study of science and mathematics is political and thus requires a culturally centered approach.
Religion Is A Time Warp - Nana Dr. Amos Wilson
DOWNFALL OF NOLLYWOOD??? CANALPLUS ACQUIRES ROK; https://africanews.space/break....ing-news-canal-group
In reality, "nollywood" has been a downfall from the word go!
the ruse of individualism
In this panel, Ɔbenfo Ọbádélé Kambon fields diverse questions on the difference between freedom to and freedom from, the role of the youth in attaining independence, the need for interdependence among Kmtyw 'Black people' and more. Check out this exciting discussion including Q&A for an emBlackening experience!
Duration: 1 hour, 18 minutes, 27 seconds
Location: Jamrock Restaurant
Date: August 1, 2022
A History of Afro-Argentines. #HistoryVille
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00:00 Intro
01:17 A History of Afro-Argentines
03:30 The Disappearance of the Afro-Argentines
07:07 The Black Population and the Argentine Wars
09:41 Afro-Argentines and Gender Disproportion
11:19 The European Immigration Policies
13:02 Argentina’s Whitening Tactics of the 19th Century
15:48 Afro-Argentines Today
17:32 Next Video
Dissecting Divide & Rule (willinks report 1958) - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu
Mahiga matatù, Makuku matatu. Úndùire Nìguo ÚNGAI.. Thayú kerî ona gatatù
Gíkúyú based Educational and enlightment
Nkulu Marcus Garvey Speaks! _Objects of the Universal Negro Improvement Association_ 1921
NYEGERE: Huyu ndio mnyama Hatari msituni kuliko Simba na Chui/Mnyama mpweke
Abibitumi@16 Years Promo Video