
Kwabena Ofori Osei
74 Ansichten · 1 Jahr vor

In today's video I will be addressing black biracials and why they are not black. Also, I will be breaking down the struggles that biracials face and the dangers of the one drop rule.

#biracial #mixed #mixedrace #mixedracebabies #mulatos #meghan #meghanmarkle #mariahcarey #blackman #blackmen #blackwomen #blackwoman #blackpeople #blackdiaspora #eastafrica #hornofafrica #colorism #colorist #antiblack @BETNetworks @FoxSoul

Kwabena Ofori Osei
53 Ansichten · 1 Jahr vor

In today's video, I will be talking about how black men love white women but hate white men.

@OshayDukeJackson @TheOshayVlogCast @AfricanDiasporaNews @PhillipScottPodcast @africaninsider @KaizorianEmpire @TheRealMTR @TheAmazingLucas @TheBusinessBroadcast @TheBlackAuthority @AustonHolleman @Searchforuhuru @MrTariqNasheed @LapeefNetwork @AntonDaniels @MillionaireMorningShow @EdwardAndersonspeaks @KingRichez @ChrissiesWay @ParisMilan @iameloho718 @TonyaTko @RealTalkWithYanie @samanthacooker @LisaMCabrera @TheLeadAttorney @Christelyn1 @PennyMsElite #blackman #blackwoman #blackpeople #africanman #african #africanwoman #carribean #blackdiaspora #whitewoman #dating #marriage #whiteman #whitemen

Kwabena Ofori Osei
33 Ansichten · 1 Jahr vor

In today's video, I will be talking about black africans and how they refuse to accept the reality of their Racial Classification.

#blackafrican #blackpeople #tunisia #migrant #northafrica #africa #hornofafrica #europe @2naija @KaizorianEmpire @AfricanDiasporaNews @africaninsider

Kwabena Ofori Osei
32 Ansichten · 1 Jahr vor

In today's video I will be addressing the buffalo shooter and his recent sentencing. In addition, I will also be breaking down how the buffalo shooting represents the war on black people globally.

#buffaloshooting #antiblack #blackpeople #hatecrime #short #shorts #shortvideo #trend #trendingvideo

Kwabena Ofori Osei
27 Ansichten · 1 Jahr vor

In today's Video, I will be talking about the collective mentality of black people globally and why we do not want power.

#panafricanism #blackpeople #power #powerful #empire #blackafrican #africa #subsahara @KaizorianEmpire @2nacheki @2naija @africaninsider

Baka Omubo
18 Ansichten · 11 Monate vor

EZILI DANTO WEBSITE https://ezilidanto.com/INTRO/OUT SONG"Truth to Power"- by The Paradigm Shift (Amadaye The Apostle & Genesys Dayz) Here is the link to the full song: https://www.reverbnation.com/amadayetheapostle/song/32112869-truth-to-power?fb_og_action=reverbnation_fb:unknown&fb_og_object=reverbnation_fb:song&player_client_id=j29dsi7kl&utm_campaign=a_public_songs&utm_content=reverbnation_fb:song&utm_medium=facebook_og&utm_source=reverbnation_fb:unknownSTEAM PROGRAM FOR BLACK CHILDREN https://consciousingenuity.com/MANHOOD TRAINING CAMP FOR BLACK BOYShttp://asafocamp.com/THE MELTREK PROGRAM https://edanimeproductions.com/shopBEST ONLINE SCHOOL FOR BLACK CHILDREN https://www.uhuruacademy.com EMAIL ME:dr.maat.msu@gmail.com#drmaat #truthtopowertalkwithdrmaat #haiti #haitianrevolution #consciouscommunity #blackamericans #fba #b1 #ados #aboriginals #america #blackpeople #blackunity #africanpeople #africanunity #africanhistory #africancivilization #africanpeople #africanempires #blackhistory #blackpeople #blackexcellence #blackconsciousness

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