
Baka Omubo
13 Views · 4 months ago

#drmaat #sababuplata #truthtopower #amoswilson #blueprintforblackpower #psychologyofselfhatredandselfdefeat #falsificationofafrikanconsciousness #developmentalpsychologyoftheblackchild #panafricanism #africa #africanmindset #psychology #consciousness #identity #africanity #blackconscious #hometeamhistory


"Truth to Power"- by The Paradigm Shift (Amadaye The Apostle & Genesys Dayz)

Here is the link to the full song: https://www.reverbnation.com/amadayetheapostle/song/32112869-truth-to-power?fb_og_action=reverbnation_fb:unknown&fb_og_object=reverbnation_fb:song&player_client_id=j29dsi7kl&utm_campaign=a_public_songs&utm_content=reverbnation_fb:song&utm_medium=facebook_og&utm_source=reverbnation_fb:unknown


CONNECT WITH ME ON FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/droyaadwoamaat


Baka Omubo
9 Views · 4 months ago

➡️ Sign Up Today To Join The 'I Never Knew Tv' Movement:

Watch more reasonings from Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah:
Pt.1 https://youtu.be/u2AonVF9DZc
Pt.3 https://youtu.be/LU-yIcqXMjg
Pt.4 https://youtu.be/_c5UughMX9c
Pt.5 https://youtu.be/-xFz5OyxZRU
Pt.6 https://youtu.be/g3G9GEZToO0
Pt.7 https://youtu.be/zUAjI85dxB0

In this reasoning Cleveland Brown's linebacker Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah speaks about the brilliance of African-American theoretical psychologist, social theorist, Pan-African thinker, scholar, author and a professor Dr. Amos N. Wilson

➡️ Get Your 'Nyahbinghi Shirt' Today:

➡️ Listen To The 'Generation Gap Riddim':
🔥🇬🇳 https://ingrv.es/generation-gap-riddi-3qn-i 🇬🇳🔥

➡️ Tune into 'I NEVER KNEW 📻'
🇲🇱Roots, Rock, Reggae Music🇲🇱
Hosted By : Jr of 'I Never Knew Tv'
Sunday 9 -11 AM EST
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#amoswilson #ineverknewtv

Kwabena Ofori Osei
4 Views · 2 days ago

An enlightening talk by Nana Amos Wilson, titled **"The Power of Nation Building."** In this powerful presentation, Nana Wilson, a renowned psychologist, educator, and author, delves into the historical and cultural significance of nation-building within the African diaspora. He discusses the crucial role of self-determination, community cohesion, and educational empowerment in fostering strong, resilient nations.**About Dr. Amos Wilson:**Dr. Amos Wilson was an influential figure in the fields of psychology and social justice. His profound insights into the dynamics of race, culture, and identity have inspired countless individuals and communities. In this video, he shares his vision for a united future and provides actionable steps for individuals and communities to contribute to nation-building efforts.**Key Takeaways:**- Understanding the historical context of nation-building.- The importance of community and self-empowerment.- Strategies for fostering unity and resilience within communities.Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from one of the leading voices in African and diaspora studies. **Subscribe** to our channel for more inspiring talks and discussions!### Hashtags#amoswilson #nationbuilding #transatlanticproductions #africanhistory #communityempowerment #selfdetermination #socialjustice #culturalidentity

Kwabena Ofori Osei
4 Views · 7 days ago

Welcome to the Transatlantic Productions channel! In this compelling video, Dr. Amos Wilson presents **"The Wealth of Man is in His Mind."** This thought-provoking talk explores the profound impact of mental wealth on personal and community development. Dr. Wilson, a distinguished psychologist and author, emphasizes the importance of intellectual empowerment and cultural consciousness in achieving true prosperity.

**About Dr. Amos Wilson:**
Dr. Amos Wilson was a pioneering figure in the fields of psychology and African studies. His work focused on the intersection of race, culture, and psychology, advocating for a deeper understanding of the mental frameworks that shape our lives. In this enlightening presentation, he shares insights that challenge conventional notions of wealth and success.

**Key Takeaways:**
- The significance of mindset in personal and collective growth.
- Strategies for harnessing mental resources for community advancement.
- The relationship between cultural identity and intellectual empowerment.

Don't miss this opportunity to enrich your understanding of mental wealth and its role in nation-building.

**Subscribe** to our channel for more enlightening discussions and presentations!

### Hashtags
#amoswilson #mentalwealth #transatlanticproductions #culturalempowerment #intellectualgrowth #africanstudies #communitydevelopment #Psychology

### Suggested Title
**The Wealth of Man is in His Mind | Dr. Amos Wilson | Transatlantic Productions**

Feel free to adjust any details as necessary!#TheNewBlackMind
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