
Kwabena Ofori Osei
43 vistas · 11 meses hace

In a recent interview, Bahian singer Maya spoke about her difficulties in relationships with black men due to an endoctrination for the adoration of white women. Her sentiments echo the feelings of perhaps huundreds of thousands of black Brazilian women. The artist has gained an audience with style known as 'pagotrap', a mixture of Bahia's pagodão rhythm with American 'trap'

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✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

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#maya #afrobrazilian #interracialdating #downwiththeswirl #swirling #palmitagem #eurocentrism #whiteness #whitewomen #blackbrazilianwomen #blackselfesteem #blackpride #singleblackemale #lonelinessofblackwomen # solidaodamulhernegra #trapmusicbrazil #pagodão #singermaya #cantoramaya #mpb #brazilianpopularmusic

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© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
29 vistas · 6 meses hace

Brazil is known worldwide for its large mixed race population due to centuries of intermigling between blacks, browns, whites, and indigenous people. While the country has long promoteditself as a place where races freely mix, Brazilians have also spoken about other sides and elements of the story. One other elemt that many have confirmed is the fear that many black Brazilian women have for having black children. Due to the violence and racism that black children suffer in Brazil, some women have expressed fear and even a desire to have whiter looking children so that their kids don't suffer the same way as they and other black kids do.

Pease Visit our Website to get more information: https://blackbraziltoday.com/

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About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

🔔 Let's Explore the untold stories – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for the latest on black Brazilians in news, music, and entertainment. 🎵📰

🔔Explore the true narrative of Brazil – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for insightful discussions on race, culture, and media.🔍

#racisminbrazil #blackbrazilians #interracial #racemixing #miscegenation #blackchildren #interracialrelationships #brazil #violenceinbrazil #whitening #embranquecimento #whiteness

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Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Black Brazil Today. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided.

© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
25 vistas · 11 meses hace

In a video, a Brazilian woman discusses her opinion that black Brazilians can't realistically speak of 'amor preto', or black love until they first face their adoration of whiteness.

Please Visit our Website to get more information: https://blackbraziltoday.com/


✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

🔔 Let's Explore the untold stories – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for the latest on black Brazilians in news, music, and entertainment. 🎵📰

#afrobrazilian #whiteness #eurocentrism #whitesupremacy #blackselfesteem #blackbrazilian #racerelations #racerelationsinbrazil #mixedrace #blackidentity #amorpreto #blacklove #africandiaspora #blackinbrazil #interracial #whitewashing #embranquecimento

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Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Black Brazil Today. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided.

© Black Brazil Today

Kwabena Ofori Osei
24 vistas · 6 meses hace

In Brazil, it is known that many black people have been taught to whiten the family through interracial unions with white men and women. In this video, one teacher recalls how his grandmother encouraged the girls and women in his family to choose white men.


✅ About Black Brazil Today.

Welcome to Black Brazil Today, a channel that explores black Brazilians' vibrant and diverse experiences✊. Get into our in-depth race, culture, and media discussions, highlighting Brazilian society's significant strides and challenges.

Join us as we dissect racial dynamics, celebrate black Brazilian culture, and amplify voices often unheard. From music and movies to social movements, we bring you the real stories shaping black Brazil's narrative. Subscribe to be part of a community committed to truth, representation, and change. 🎥🌍💬

🔔 Let's Explore the untold stories – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for the latest on black Brazilians in news, music, and entertainment. 🎵📰


#lovehasnocolor #whitening #whitewashing #embranquecimento #interracialmarriage #interracialrelationships #brazil #whiteness #improvetherace #afrobrazilians #blackbrazilians #socialengineering

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Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Black Brazil Today. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided.

© Black Brazil Today

Baka Omubo
12 vistas · 28 días hace

The Psychosis of Whiteness, Black Power & the Global Struggle for Justice | Kehinde Andrews on The Tea with Myriam Francois.

Is the world trapped in a dangerous delusion? In this uncompromising conversation, Professor Kehinde Andrews breaks down the “psychosis of whiteness”, exposing how deep-seated myths about race sustain global inequality. From the failures of diversity schemes to the rise of far-right politics, from Trump’s return to power to the new wave of Black radical thought, he argues that true change won’t come from within the system—it demands revolution.

What does Black liberation look like in a world still shaped by empire? Can Pan-Africanism offer a real path forward? And is China a counterforce to Western dominance—or just another empire in disguise?

Join Myriam Francois for a fearless discussion that connects race, politics, and global power in ways few dare to.
🔥 Watch, share & subscribe to challenge the narrative!
#kehindeandrews #theteawithmyriamfrancois #race #blackliberation #panafricanism #whiteness #politics presenter-Producer: Dr. Myriam François
Guest: Kehinde Andrews
Senior Producer: Farzin Rabiee
Producer: Nadège Bizimungu
Researchers: Mohammed Samiq Walji, Yasmin Meddour,
Video Editor: Ralph Pritchard

An MPWR Productions show.

Click to watch, subscribe for more episodes, and join us on Patreon to support our mission of sharing stories that matter.


00:00 - Introduction & Opening Remarks
01:45 - The Myth of Progress and Inequality
03:42 - Rise of Right-Wing Politics and Racism
06:12 - Understanding "The Psychosis of Whiteness"
10:25 - Media’s Role in Shaping Racial Narratives
14:37 - Debunking Diversity Overrepresentation Myths
18:52 - Token Representation vs. Real Change
22:35 - Life Expectancy & Global Inequality
27:10 - Trump, White Supremacy, and Psychosis
31:45 - Reform UK and the Politics of Fear
36:12 - The Left’s Failure to Address Emotion in Politics
40:20 - Black British Identity & Transnational Solidarity
44:55 - The Role of Black Leaders in a White Supremacist System
49:10 - The Illusion of Historical Progress
53:30 - Global Wealth Disparity and Structural Exploitation
57:45 - Is a Fair Economic System Possible?
01:01:30 - DEI Policies: Progress or Performative?
01:06:00 - Talking About Race: Productive or Counterproductive?
01:10:30 - Final Thoughts & Call to Action

This video is intended for informational and commentary purposes only. It reflects the personal opinions of the guest and creators and does not accuse any individual of criminal activity unless proven in a court of law. The inclusion of public figures or journalists is based on publicly available information and does not imply guilt or wrongdoing.

This content adheres to the principles of Fair Use under Section 107 of the Copyright Act, as it is used for criticism, commentary, and reporting. All copyrighted materials remain the property of their respective owners.

The views expressed in this video do not establish a professional relationship with viewers, nor do they constitute legal, professional, or personal advice. Viewer discretion is advised.

#podcast #politics #race #news

Kwabena Ofori Osei
10 vistas · 3 meses hace

Recently, a young Brazilian released a video that went viral after she removed the filters that made her appear to be a white girl. Followers praised her natural look.

Please Visit our Website to get more information: https://blackbraziltoday.com/

🔔Explore the true narrative of Brazil – Subscribe to Black Brazil Today for insightful discussions on race, culture, and media.🔍


#brazilianwomen #whiteness #whitenessinbrazil #raceinbrazil #skincolor #blackbrazilians #afrobrazilians #brownbrazilians #africandiaspora #beautyinbrazil #pardas #pardos #mixedrace #blackness

⚠DISCLAIMER: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research.

Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Black Brazil Today. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided.

© Black Brazil Today

Merch coming soon 🔥