Film og animation

10 Visninger · 4 flere år siden

Meet Buba a Bla Xit subscriber who Blaxited 3 weeks ago. Find out why and what he has to offer Bla Xit family .

4 Visninger · 4 flere år siden

Need somewhere to stay in The Gambia we show you a Safe Space. No 5G in the sea but lots of salt so lets all go to the beach keeping a safe distance from each other. No need to look at four walls when you can grab a bit of nature. Gambia we do not want 5G we do not need it. Thanks to Wode Maya and team and to the Bla Xit family for supporting, liking and sharing. Let's try to get our subscriptions super high for our first anniversary. Thanks for the Birthday, Earthstrong, Earthday messages. This whole time feels like being in a SCFI Movie. I think its time for us to start writing our own scripts.
Please email me or contact me via WhatsApp. Please come home. Get your land your house, the opportunity will come for you to get out very soon please take it. Do what you have to do. They may force you to take vaccines before being able to leave the country. I have posted a document in the Community page that you can use to advert that.Please see our posts in the community section of our You Tube channel for updates. Please email me via my email for special messages.
Thanks for your donations we totally appreciate them and everyone that has donated to Bla Xit. Thanks to Seth Adrian and Khafre for being by my side.
Please remember racism still exists even at this time so be vigilant especially in health care so challenge and do not accept do what is best for you. Please insist on getting the best care possible don't accept that you are not a priority if you are sick. Black people are being told they are not a priority in the West and being turned away. This is costing lives so demand your rights. Keep protected and stay positive and happy.

Take care Bla Xit family

59 Visninger · 4 flere år siden

Footage from our weekly gathering at Solomon's Beach Bar and Restaurant in Gambia.

Check out:

This video was recorded and edited by Makonnen Sankofa. Subscribe to Makonnen's YouTube channel

We're appealing for donors, sponsors and paid endorsements so we can continue to produce content.

Thanks to all our Bla Xit donors.

Become a Bla Xit Messenger (Subscribers only) by sending your video clip to

Special thanks to our friend and YouTube Vlogger Wode Maya for helping to set-up the Bla Xit channel. You can follow him on YouTube too

3 Visninger · 4 flere år siden

12 Visninger · 4 flere år siden

Bla Xit family we went monkeying around at the Monkey Park in Bijillo. There are a variety of monkeys to look at. I went with my sons and my niece and they had a great time. Being in nature is a really grounding and fun experience. Please do go and bring chopped up bananas as a special treat you will have their undivided attention. As I said I want to show you many dimensions to life in Africa. We hope you like it. Thank you to all our Bla Xit family and Wode Maya our initiator and inspiration. We often ask for a contribution towards the channel. I would like to say a special thank you to my brother Junior my Mum and Marka and Crystal Waters and William and William and Lance and Art and Patricia and Sonia and Humphrey and Chris I'll be making my new thank you video with a difference. Can't thank you enough. If you would like to contribute to our running costs please do. We would like to attend a conference in Ghana and also an interview in Senegal. Lots of details will be released in our community page on You Tube and FB page Bla-Xit Movement or on our website . If you would like to become a Patreon you can by donating on a regular basis via Bla Xit Patreon or Paypal using our email address
Or via Western Union or APS by emailing us at
Big love Bla Xit family.

11 Visninger · 4 flere år siden

Bla Xit go to Elite Fitness Gym in Senegambia to share with you how you can get fit and meet great boxers including WBO Champion Jason Matthews from the UK and Foday Badjie the current African Middleweight Champion at the Gym with coaches and trainers Muhammad Joof and Otis Colley. We also see how to make Palm wine and Palm oil . The manager Alasan gives a price guide for membership and explains why we should Bla Xit to the Gambia!

7 Visninger · 4 flere år siden

Bla Xit Family, this young and talented subscriber Unekwe has sent us a
Bla Xit messenger video to tell us all about his platform MY AFRICA TV.
He wants to share why we should start telling our own stories. Please support him by subscribing and sharing his content and liking it too. Wode Maya helped us on my journey he started it in fact and so the least Bla Xit could do is to also share the same kindness and generosity to Unekwe.
Please keep the kind donations coming in as every penny, dime helps us to keep going quite literally, if you would like to help to support Bla Xit please please make a contribution via Paypal via
Please watch and subscribe to Bla Xit and Wode Maya and of course My Africa TV.
Please Smash that Like Button and Share and comment down below! Thanks for your ongoing support. Also to all the Bla Xit subscribers who made it to Gambia recently it has been amazing meeting you all in person. There are far too many to mention and you know who you are. Bla Xit Link Up's are coming back. I was ill however I am recovering now!

21 Visninger · 4 flere år siden

In this video, we speak to Ousman Bah who is the Chief Executive of IIHT Gambia which is a IT/ICT learning school. Their mission is to develop and connect IT/ICT talent to opportunities.

This video was filmed and edited by Makonnen Sankofa (Bla Xit Head of Production). Subscribe to Makonnen's YouTube channel

Please support the Bla Xit channel so we can continue producing more content, you can send a donation via PayPal to

Thanks to our recent Bla Xit donors: Shorna Abrahams, Jerome Obba, 2 Rich 2 Street, Caryne Charles, OIGcreative, Grachan Reagan, Sulayman Safriwe, Sheair Butters, Caroline Knight and Danyeandanya on YouTube.

Become a Bla Xit Messenger (Subscribers only) by sending your video clip to

Special thanks to our friend and YouTube Vlogger Wode Maya for helping to set-up the Bla Xit channel. You can follow him on YouTube too

4 Visninger · 4 flere år siden

Bla Xit call to Action for all Bla Xit Subscribers and viewers and members of the Bla xit family. This episode is all about taking emergency action with us reaching out to the media. We discovered that many important people in the Gambia was not aware of clauses 257 and 258 in the Constitution. We urgently need all Bla Xit Viewers and subscribers to write to the CRC via the two email addresses below. We have put a stencil submission letter that you can edit and cut and past and send to these two email addresses.

We have organised a press conference for the 15th of December at Solomons Beach Bar and Restaurant at 4pm in Kololi Palma Rima

Please come to the last date of the CRC at Kanifing Municipality at 10am on the 16th of December if you are living in the Gambia and are from the Diaspora.

Your letter can state the following:

Dear Secretariat,
Re CRC Commission Submission

I have been made aware of section's 257 and 258 of the Draft Constitution.
I have some recommendation with regard to section 16 with regards to Citizenship also.
1. Diasporans that live own land and property in the Gambia are investors in the Gambia and are of African Descent and we would Gambia to follow in the footsteps of Ghana and Sierra Leone in uniting with the Disapora in offering automatic citizenship to African Gambian Descendants of the enslaved Africans in the Diaspora. This amendment to section 16 would demonstrate Gambia's commitment to unify and to invite inward investment to Diasporas and prevent them from the effects of the unfavorable land rights in section 257 and 258. We are asking for an exemption and exception to be made in our regards as this would be very damaging to both the relationships with the ADOS- African Descendant of Enslaved Africans world wide who may no longer wish to consider heritage tourism and property ownership and inward invest or aid to The Gambia and this would indicate that we are not welcome in The Gambia. We should not be lumped in the same category as others as we are actually coming home to build and develop and to create job opportunities and develop the infrastructure of the Gambia. There has been a long history of returnee's including Alex Haley, Automatic citizenship was offered previously at the Roots Festival and this was an excellent vehicle for us to be invited into the Gambian society to be welcomed back. We hope the Gambian society see our long term benefits to the country and engage in change the demonstrates to us that they value our contributions and offer us Automatic Citizenship so we will not be impacted by section 257 and 258 as this must be done before the sections 257 and 258 negatively impact upon ADOS investors, land owners and home owners.

Your Truly


Our work is not easy sometimes and it can be costly an donations made to us are put to good use and we are totally grateful. Thank you to our new sponsor William and Lilliam. You can share and care with us via Paypal using BOPCOLLECTIVE@YAHOO.COM

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