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Give us a statue of Ambedkar, not Gandhi: Ghana university professor Ọbádélé Kambon

Give us a statue of Ambedkar, not Gandhi: Ghana university professor Ọbádélé Kambon

Ọbádélé Bakari Kambon, a research fellow at the Institute of African Studies​ in the University of Ghana​, discussed the need to destroy improper propaganda about Gandhi—or, as he terms it, ..

Obadele Kambon, un extraordinaire universitaire et activiste du monde noir

Obadele Kambon, un extraordinaire universitaire et activiste du monde noir

Le Docteur Obadele Kambon est un extraordinaire activiste de la cause noire. Né aux Etats-Unis où il a été victime d’une bavure policière et d’un procès politique, il s’est depuis établi au ..

YOU decide the FATE of Abibitumi (Black Power)

YOU decide the FATE of Abibitumi (Black Power)

Get excited and energized! Abibitumi is now offering a new way for Afrikans=Black people to connect with other forward-moving like-minded Afrikans!

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