YOU decide the FATE of Abibitumi (Black Power)

Ọbádélé Kambon avatar   
Ọbádélé Kambon
Get excited and energized! Abibitumi is now offering a new way for Afrikans=Black people to connect with other forward-moving like-minded Afrikans!

YOU decide the FATE of Abibitumi (Black Power)

 Get excited and energized! Abibitumi is now offering a new way for Afrikans=Black people to connect with other forward-moving like-minded Afrikans! We are launching and and YOU decide their future!!! We invite you to sign up and let us know what you think. Which one is more user-friendly and convenient? Your feedback will determine the fate of our free and premium video sites that will replace youtube!

Sign up today and get ready to sell and share your own media content on another exclusively Afrikan=Black platform!!!

And don't forget to reconnect with your friends and family at our flagship site:!


Visit our new sites today!

Kwadwo Danmeara Tòkunbọ̀ Datɛ
on da move!
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