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3 Views · 5 years ago

Gazi Homo wants you to accept his deathstyle madness.

Ọbádélé Kambon
3 Views · 4 years ago

⁣[PART 3] Mdw Ntr Adesua Kuo 20 January 2017

Ọbádélé Kambon
3 Views · 4 years ago

⁣[PART 1] Mdw Ntr Adesua Kuo 20 January 2017

3 Views · 5 years ago

Johannesburg, 20 October 2014 - In this special feature eNCA investigates how far land reform has progressed.

Ọbádélé Kambon
3 Views · 4 years ago

UNIA-ACL Accra. Amos Wilson/Nii Ayi Kushi Division.

Banmuhene Kyidɔmhene* Obadele Kambon explains the 5000+ year history of Blacks being enslaved by Arab. Dr. Obadele Kambon is a Traditional Black King serving in Akuapem Mampɔn traditional community within Ghana.

*Kyidɔmhene Banmuhene: King of the Rear-Guard Troops
, under the King of the Royal Mausoleum (Twi language).

Ọbádélé Kambon
3 Views · 4 years ago

Afrikan Renaissance Foundation (ARF)
13 October, 2015
Archaeology Department
University of Ghana - Legon

Abstract: Did you know that Afrikan/Black people invented writing? Were you aware that the oldest book in the history of humanity was written by an Afrikan in Kmt ‘Land of Black People’ contemporarily known as Ancient Egypt? In this presentation we will provide examples that clearly show that Math, Science, Medicine, Architecture, History, Philosophy, Politics, Spirituality, Warfare and Combat Sciences, Agricultural Science, Astronomy, Culture, Cosmology, Literature, and other Arts were first developed in Kmt ‘Land of Black People’ (so-called Ancient Egypt) just to name a few. Did you know that the people of so-called “Ancient Egypt” did not refer to themselves as “Egyptians” but referred to themselves as Kmt(yw) ‘Black People?’ Were you aware that a series of DNA tests done by geneticists in 2012 and 2013 shows that the closest genetic relatives to the ancient Rulers (Pharoahs) of Kemet are now located in Southern Afrika, the Great Lakes Region of Afrika and Tropical West Afrika followed by the Sahel and the Horn of Afrika? This means that the Kmt(yw) ‘Black People’ of ancient times were your ancestors and you are their descendants. Were you aware that the white arab-types currently found in modern-day Egypt are comparatively recent invaders whose genetic relation to the Afrikan/Black people of Ancient Kmt ‘Land of Black People’ is further away than the distance from Cairo to Cape Town? In this talk we will highlight information known by Afrikans and non-Afrikans throughout the world but which has been systematically and intentionally kept from us through purposive miseducation, dis-education and outright lies. Why were we not told of this information? In this talk, we will build on the work of great scholars such as Cheikh Anta Diop to begin to scratch the surface of the legacies of Kmt ‘Land of Black People’ and discuss the implications of the ongoing systematic and intentional disinformation campaign in the context of the theme Why Kemet Matters.

3 Views · 4 years ago

Learn more about Mansa's journey

Ọbádélé Kambon
3 Views · 4 years ago

First Fridays Poetry Night: Accra, Ghana

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