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Baka Omubo
154 Views · 3 years ago

On today's episode, we'll be learning the Izon Alphabets. The Izon Alphabets are rarely talked about. In fact many people even fluent speakers are oblivious of the Izon Alphabets. I have therefore put this video together to help Izon Literacy across the world.

This video is easy to understand and assimilate. I hope you enjoy and Practice every bit of the Izon Alphabets. Do well to watch the video to the end, like the video, leave a comment with your questions or contributions, subscribe to this channel and turn on your post notifications, so you'll be the first to know whenever a new video drops.

If you wish to talk to me one on one, send an email to
Kuro timi oh,
Dudu tari. Mbana👏🏽

154 Views · 4 years ago

KIMOYO: Why I Choose Afrikan Spirituality live on @contentovereverything


In this one off presentation, ShakaRa will be breaking down the powerful Philosophical principles within Afrikan Spiritual systems, their modern day application and why he chooses to follow and Afrikan Spiritual way of life.

#AfricanSpirituality #TraditionalAfricanReligion #AncestralVoices

Ọbádélé Kambon
154 Views · 5 years ago

COLD FACTS: When the Nation of Islam murdered Malcolm X they prevented him from going into The United Nations to get the ball rolling for reparations, and you wonder why in 2018 why you are in bad shape. When it comes to talking about what happened to Malcolm X , Prof. Kondo is the "go to man", everybody else is BORING and will actually put you to sleep. The game is over, go on home, the case is closed. My prediction is that 2018 will be the year Malcolm's killers who are still alive will pay for what they did. It's time to get on up and get on down. How can you sit on your rusty dusty and ignore a warrior like Malcolm X who tried to get you your reparations? You ought to be ashamed of yourself. What?, you think that because you are in the year 2018 that you have progressed?, You think that because you can wear a red black and green Baseball Cap or a Ankh around your neck or some other cosmetic thing that you are free? Git-da-fuc-outta-here!

Warning: We are watching you very carefully while you embrace Malcolm's killers, you may one day be called on the carpet to explain yourself and if you don't provide the right answers your head may be severed form your body (that is intellectually). Your record of what you say today about Malcolm's killers and what side of the fence you sit on may one day be used against you, and you won't be able to flip the script the way you do every time you are around both camps. When you are with Malcolm's enemies you cheer with them, and then when you are around Malcolm's supporters you speak ill of the other group, we can see right through your bullshit.

Ọbádélé Kambon
154 Views · 5 years ago

Nataki is an activist and spokesperson for Guest Dr. Kambon - elder, - Captured Live on Ustream at

Ọbádélé Kambon
152 Views · 3 years ago


Kiatezua Lubanzadio Luyaluka
152 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Cette vidéo propose une explication de l'emplacement de l'univers temporel selon la religion Kôngo.

Elle prouve que l'univers temporel est situé dans un trou noir tournant dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre d'où il émerge progressivement en tournant dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre.

Les idées exposées dans cette vidéo ont été inspirées de notre livre intitulé BUKÔNGO et disponibles ici:

151 Views · 1 year ago

Hii ni video yangu ya zoezi la nyumbani la kwanza.

Ọbádélé Kambon
151 Views · 2 years ago

⁣xmnw XIIIIIII: Abibitumi Ahemfie: The Vision, The Institution

Ọbádélé Kambon
151 Views · 4 years ago

Dr. Sharita Yazid Testimonial

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