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Ọbádélé Kambon
1 Views · 4 years ago

Dr. Ọbádélé Kambon - Joy FM Panel Discussion on Cultural Economy - 28 March 2014

Ọbádélé Kambon
1 Views · 4 years ago

"Serial Verb Nominalization in Akan and Yorùbá: Towards a cross-linguistic typology."
A talk on how serial verb nominalization varies based on levels of
semantic integration of the SVC in question in Akan and Yorùbá. University of Ghana - Legon, Accra, Ghana. Departmental Seminar, 4 November 2011.

Ọbádélé Kambon
1 Views · 4 years ago

"Recurrent Sound Correspondences of Akan and Yoruba: Towards Proto-Benue-Kwa C1 Reconstruction." A talk on how sound correspondences between Akan and Yoruba can shed light on the phonological inventory and sound changes of Proto-Benue-Kwa,
from which they are descended. Departmental Seminar: Linguistics. 23 October 2013.

To purchase the MA Thesis that this talk is based on, click the following link:

Ọbádélé Kambon
1 Views · 4 years ago

#GandhiMustFall Al Jazeera Skype Interview with Dr. Ọbádélé Kambon

Ọbádélé Kambon
1 Views · 4 years ago

#gandhiHasFallen BBC Telephone Interview with Dr. Ọbádélé Kambon

Ọbádélé Kambon
1 Views · 4 years ago

Morpho-semantics of Superlatives, Augmentatives and Pseudo-augmentative Constructions in Akan

Ọbádélé Kambon
1 Views · 4 years ago

mdw nTr adesuakuo a yɛde Twi na ɛkyerɛ

Ọbádélé Kambon
1 Views · 4 years ago

Dr Ọbádélé Bakari Kambon, Ph.D. is an Afrikan anti-amerikkkan. In India, he has been known for advocating vociferously for the removal of the statue of Gandhi, from the University Campus in Ghana which was gifted by the government of India. He had famously advocated that ‘we need Ambedkar and not Gandhi’. It is refreshingly interesting to hear his views about Dr Ambedkar. He called Gandhi as racist and has his strong position which come after reading Gandhi’s world view on Africans. In our conversation, he copiously quotes Gandhi’s position on Africans when he lived there and calls them nothing less than racist. This conversation also give you a detailed history of how colonial powers destroyed Africa and Asia.
A highly acclaimed academic, linguist as well as dedicated person to African culture and literature, Dr Kambon faced racial discrimination in the United States from child hood and he could never ever consider him as an American even being a born citizen of that country. In the year 2007 he was arrested wrongfully and tried in Chicago. He was charged with having a loaded firearm under his car. Since 2009, he has been teaching at the Institute of African Studies in Accra.
Caste and Race issues are important for us to understand and equally important for all of us the dirty history of colonisation and building of narrative by the powerful elite emerging from these countries.

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