Intellectual Analysis/Diip R.. - Talawa Yawo Adodo

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37.SaturdaySeminarSeries:Talkin’ Black-to-Black - Pan Afrikanism and Ebonics Unlisted

7 Views· 12/04/22
Kwadwo Danmeara Tòkunbọ̀ Datɛ

⁣This presentation is a systematic examination of Afrikan nature of Ebonics languages and the
implications for Pan-Afrikanism. This analysis looks at grammatical concepts and deep thought
concepts in Ebonics that reflect the Afrikan worldview. Moreover, this presentation illustrates the
necessity of intellectualizing concepts from Afrikan languages from the natural continental
languages, like Twi and Igbo for example, and Ebonics languages, like Haitian and Anti-
Amerikkkan Afrikan Ebonics, in order to explain Afrikan linguistic phenomena on Afrikan terms.
In doing so, Adodo discusses exemplars from his current research. Furthermore, this presentation
suggests creative strategies for illuminating and promoting the deep interconnections within
Afrikan language. Ultimately, this presentation stresses the importance of translating natural
continental languages into Ebonics (and vice versa) and within Ebonics languages themselves as
a means of advancing Pan-Afrikanism within the continent and, most especially, between the
continent and the diaspora

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