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Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
3 Views · 3 years ago

You exist. You shouldn’t. Stars and galaxies and planets exist. They shouldn’t. The nascent universe contained equal parts matter and antimatter that should have instantly obliterated each other, turning the Big Bang into the Big Fizzle. And yet, here we are: flesh, blood, stars, moons, sky. Why? Come join us as we dive deep down the rabbit hole of solving the mystery of the missing antimatter.

MODERATOR: Brian Greene

PARTICIPANTS: Marcela Carena, Janet Conrad, Michael Doser, Hitoshi Murayama, Neil Turok

OPENING FILM: Animation by Eoin Duffy of Studio Belly, written by Justin Weinstein and Brian Greene


This program is part of the Big Ideas Series which is supported in part by the John Templeton Foundation.

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- The Discovery of Antimatter opening film 00:00

- Brian Greene Introduction 04:00

- Participant Introductions 04:54

- What led Paul Dirac to his thinking? 07:25

- Can we create Antimatter? 22:25

- How does the universe create matter and antimatter and yet there is still matter left around us? 29:42

- Using Neutrinos to detect Antimatter 44:55

- The difference in Neutrinos compared to Antimatter 56:30

- Searching for hints of how to prove the Grand Unified theory 01:10:10

- Drowning in theories 01:22:00

- The applications for Antimatter 01:33:01

Filmed live at the 2018 World Science festival.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
3 Views · 3 years ago

Exponential and logistic growth, carrying capacity, and limiting factors to population growth.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
3 Views · 3 years ago

Come venture deep inside the world’s biggest physics machine, the Large Hadron Collider. This extraordinary feat of human engineering took 16 years and $10 billion to build, and just weeks ago began colliding particles at energies unseen since a fraction of a second after the big bang. We’ll explore this amazing apparatus that could soon reveal clues about nature’s fundamental laws and even the origin of the universe itself. John Hockenberry moderates a discussion among physicists including Marcela Carena, Monica Dunford, Jennifer Klay and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek.

This program is part of The Big Idea Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.

The World Science Festival gathers great minds in science and the arts to produce live and digital content that allows a broad general audience to engage with scientific discoveries. Our mission is to cultivate a general public informed by science, inspired by its wonder, convinced of its value, and prepared to engage with its implications for the future.

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Original Program Date: June 5, 2010
MODERATOR: John Hockenberry
PARTICIPANTS: Marcela Carena, Monica Dunford, Jennifer Klay, Frank Wilczek

John Hockenberry Introduction 00:14

What is the LHC? 04:57

Participant Introductions. 08:30

Where are we now with the LHC? 11:58

By smashing particles this creates a mini big bang? 16:58

What can the LHC do beyond Fermilab 21:30

How do you calculate the probability's that these particles are going to occur? 25:52

If you can create this mini big bang the energy changes are observable? 32:00

The search for the Higgs. 38:30

The standard model, Cosmological molasses, and Higgs. 44:25

How will you detect and confirm all of the predictions. 52:51

Departing form experimental evidence with super symmetry. 01:00:08

Are there places in space that have these particles? 01:07:07

Is there a limit to the number of particles you can expect? 01:13:50

Is there a possibility that the cosmological molasses is just a crutch? 01:22:16

The life of a LHC physicist. 01:26:49

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
3 Views · 3 years ago

#UTVNews #UTVGhana #DespiteMedia

PLEASE NOTE: Unauthorized upload of this video unto any YouTube channel is prohibited. (C) United Television

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Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
3 Views · 3 years ago

As the world's agriculture and food systems face a crisis of disappearing seed diversity, a new short film tells the story of how African farming communities and organisations are reviving traditional seed diversity across the continent, and resisting mounting corporate pressure to use industrialised seed and farming methods.
This film is the follow up to our landmark 2012 film Seeds of Freedom, narrated by Jeremy Irons. Find out more and watch more films at

More about Seeds of Sovereignty:
Seeds of Sovereignty shows that farmers around the world have saved and bred an unimaginable wealth of seed diversity to meet many different challenges, but as corporate seed and chemicals replace farmers' own ingenuity, this diversity is steadily disappearing. Reviving farmers' in-depth knowledge of how to save and adapt seed is critical, and the film is aimed to encourage others to do so by setting out the key stages in this process.
Through interviews and stunning cinematography from across the continent, the 35-minute film unpacks an approach aligned to the principles of the growing global food sovereignty movement and provides a guide for anyone looking to revive traditional, diversity rich, seed and farming systems around the world.
Seeds of Sovereignty is the follow-up to the 2012 film Seeds of Freedom, narrated by British actor Jeremy Irons. Seeds of Freedom challenged the global corporate agenda to control and monopolise the food and farming sector, most particularly through genetically modified seed. It has achieved global success and is used by anti-GM campaigners across the globe.
Films produced by The Gaia Foundation, the African Biodiversity Network, MELCA Ethiopia and GRAIN

Ọbádélé Kambon
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Video contains strong language

Ọbádélé Kambon
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Ọbádélé Kambon
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