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ᴬᶜᴴÍ ᴮÖᴵÉ
275 Views · 3 years ago

⁣DNA series between Black People and kkkrakkkas
Book: The journey of the Songhai People

Ọbádélé Kambon
270 Views · 5 years ago

⁣Defining the African Faith Obadele Kambon

Karuga Mwangi
262 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Mieri ya mwaka (months of the year in Gikuyu)

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
255 Views · 3 years ago

The Vernon Johns Story [1994]

An adaptation of the life and times of Dr. Vernon Johns, ⁣the Pastor who preceded Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as the head of the congregation at ⁣ Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. ⁣ In Stride Toward Freedom, his memoir of the Montgomery bus boycott, King described Johns as “a brilliant preacher with a creative mind” and “a fearless man, [who] never allowed an injustice to come to his attention without speaking out against it” (King, 38). King found an example in Johns, a preacher who was able to use his religious position in the community to challenge his congregation to be less provincial.

MBwebe Ishangi
251 Views · 1 year ago

⁣As I begin my 53rd rotation around the Sun, I realized the only main/consistent partner you’ll have in life… is yourself.

Our real life partner is our body. It’s the only permanent address where you live. We stay with our body from birth ’til transition. And once the body stops responding you are no longer of it.

What we do TO our body is OUR responsibility.

What you eat, hear and watch, what you do for being fit, how you deal with stress, and how much rest you give to it; will decide how your body is going to perform.

Your body can be your asset or your liability, which no one else can share, and it’s your responsibility—whether you want it or not, because YOU are the real-life partner!

No one can help your body other than you. And when you serve your body well, it enables you to serve others…

So be fit. Take care of yourself. Money comes and goes.

Never become too comfortable for like a plant, your body needs continued nurturing.

I am grateful having understanding this. And I’m most grateful to you: for taking the time to both know and support me in the ways you have…

Medaase Pa, Aseooooooooó…

#bEARTHdayTings #SolarReturn #RealLifePartner

Ọbádélé Kambon
224 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Decolonizing Higher Education: Okunini Obadele Kambon and Lwanga Songsore

Asantu Kweku Maroon
222 Views · 2 years ago

I've taking control over the things that matter to me. I control my land, water, energy, food and medicine. Let's talk power, once we lose our amnesia on who we are, where we are, what we must still be, and where we must still go, then we can become empower to be like our ancestors. But, we must learn our history told by us to know who our ancestors are.

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