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Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
4 Views · 3 years ago

For all we understand about the universe, 96% of what’s out there still has scientists in the dark. Astronomical observations have established that familiar matter—atoms—accounts for only 4% of the weight of the cosmos. The rest—dark matter and dark energy—is invisible to our telescopes. But what really is this dark stuff? How do we know it’s there? And what does it do? From the formation of galaxies to the farthest reaches of space, it appears that darkness rules. Without dark matter and dark energy, the universe today and in the far future would be a completely different place. We were joined by leading researchers who smash together particles, dive into underground mines, and explore the edges of the known universe in search of clues to nature’s dark side.

This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.

The World Science Festival gathers great minds in science and the arts to produce live and digital content that allows a broad general audience to engage with scientific discoveries. Our mission is to cultivate a general public informed by science, inspired by its wonder, convinced of its value, and prepared to engage with its implications for the future.

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Original Program Date: June 2, 2011
MODERATOR: John Hockenberry
PARTICIPANTS: Brian Greene, Glennys Farrar, Katherine Freese, Michael Turner, Saul Perlmutter, Elena Aprile, MOMIX

Brian Greene's introduction on dark matter. 00:22

What we don,t see by MOMIX 07:00

John Hockenberry's Introduction. 16:17

Participant Introductions 21:05

Why do we know that there is dark matter? 25:10

The lensing effect that reveals dark matter. 31:33

A computer simulation of what dark matter was doing as the universe was expanding. 37:11

Capturing Wimps with the XENON100. 41:40

What the XENON100 detector looks like. 48:20

Where do we go to find events that prove dark matter exists? 56:18

If lensing is correct, could that determine an unknown force? 01:00:43

Supersymmetry vs Another Universal Brane. 01:09:20

Using a supernova to detect Dark Matter. 01:15:40

How does a supernova tell you about dark matter? 01:21:20

How did Einstein predict that dark energy existed? 01:26:18

What is the counter explanation of dark energy? 01:30:40

The ratio of dark energy makes a perfect environment for life. 01:35:30

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
4 Views · 3 years ago

If you believe the world’s leading physicists, the vast majority of matter in the universe is hiding in plain sight. For nearly a century, evidence has mounted that the gravitational pull necessary to keep clusters of galaxies intact, as well as stars within galaxies from flying apart, requires far more matter than we can see—matter, according to the experts, that has eluded our telescopes, because it does not give off light. Problem is, such “dark matter” has also eluded one specially designed detector after another that researchers have deployed to catch it. Which raises the big question: What if we have failed to find dark matter because it isn’t there? Join leading physicists on a scientific treasure hunt that has proved more challenging than anyone expected, and may ultimately require rethinking some of our most fundamental ideas about the universe.

This program is part of the BIG IDEAS SERIES, made possible with support from the JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION.

PARTICIPANTS: Mariangela Lisanti, Joseph Silk, Erik Verlinde, and Risa Wechsler

MODERATOR: Brian Greene

00:00 - Introduction to dark matter
10:55 - Panelist introductions
12:28 - How do we explain motion in the universe?
16:35 - Is the “dark stuff” ordinary matter?
22:43 - Supersymmetric particles
30:06 - Weakly Interacting Massive Particles
33:14 - Searchng for WIMP dark matter
37:25 - What is the role of dark matter in the structure of the universe?
43:23 - Cold vs warm dark matter
46:54 - The “dark sector” possibility
52:56 - Expanding our understanding of gravity and thermodynamics
1:01:34 - Is there a connection between dark energy and dark matter?
1:07:36 - Why do galaxies rotate?
1:14:25 - Future predictions for the discovery of dark matter

- Produced by Laura Dattaro
- Associate Produced by Peter Goldberg
- Music provided by APM
- Additional images and footage provided by: The Dark Energy Survey, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Recorded at the Gerald W. Lynch Theatre at John Jay College


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Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
4 Views · 3 years ago

Electromagnetic Spectrum , a science documentary explaning forms of lightThe visible light that we see is just a small part of the actual light emitted throughout the universe. Through the combination of electrical and magnetic fields, light energy is produced. Nothing in the universe moves faster than the speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per second, or 670,000,000 miles per hour. Light travels in different wavelengths. The portion of light we see, referred to as visible light, shows up as the colors of the rainbow. These are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The other types of light in the spectrum, or the invisible light, are radio, microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma ray. In this order, radio waves have the longest wavelength, while gamma rays have the shortest.Since all matter emits light, we can use infrared telescopes to see stars and dust in space that we would otherwise be unable to see. And by viewing the color of the star, we can gauge its distance and its temperature.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
4 Views · 3 years ago

The rich in Germany been never been as well-off as they are today and assets have never been so unevenly distributed. But who are they? How do they live? And what do they think of their country? A journey into the discreet world of the super-rich.

One percent of Germans own over a quarter of the country's assets, whilst half of the country’s citizens have no assets at all. But while the German media report on the growing poverty in the country on a daily basis, little is known about the super-rich. They keep a very low profile and can walk the streets unrecognized. "Manager Magazin” says there were around 200 billionaires living in Germany in 2018, and their numbers are increasing. The documentary "Top of the World" asks why rich Germans are so unwilling to talk about their wealth. Its author immerses himself in the discreet world of big money and meets financial advisors with 800 years of family tradition behind them and billionaires such as drugstore king Dirk Rossmann and mail-order company heir Michael Otto - as well as a self-made businessmen such as Rainer Schaller. They talk about their notions of money and justice, the origins of their wealth and their fear of social envy.


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Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
4 Views · 3 years ago

Join me Thursday October 29th at 2:30PM Eastern time as I welcome to the Mbongi, Psychologist and Africologist, Wade Nobles, PhD. Dr. Nobles is a founding member of the Association of Black Psychologists and former national President (1994-95). He is Professor Emeritus of Africana Studies and Black Psychology at San Francisco State University and the author of over one hundred (100) articles, chapters, research reports and books; the co-author of the seminal article in Black Psychology, Voodoo or IQ: An Introduction to African Psychology. In this conversation we will discuss Black Psychology today, in what areas it has been most successful and other areas needed currently to further permeate, and current and future works in the making. This will be a powerful powerful show that you do not want to miss. So set your reminder, like, and share with friends and colleagues.

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Towards a Comparative Dictionary of CIkam and Modern African Languages (2020):

Aaluja Vol. II: Cyena-Ntu Religion and Philosophy (2020). :

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4 Views · 3 years ago

El Ciclo de Conferencias de Estudios africanos y de la Diáspora Africana [CEADA] invitan a la conferencia “Afrofuturismo: la diáspora intergaláctica” presentada por William “Mumu” Silva (Brasil).

El Ciclo de Conferencias de Estudios Africanos y de la Diáspora Africana, ha sido creado para difundir el pensamiento africano-centrado y panafricanista a través de las experiencias y los aportes de los africanos y sus descendientes alrededor del mundo. Es un espacio abierto y permanente, donde se invitan expertos en diferentes áreas del conocimiento y donde el diálogo circunda en temas de interés colectivo y desde la perspectiva centrada en África, panafricana y anti-colonial.

Afrofuturismo: la diáspora intergaláctica

Un breve ensayo sobre ficciones especulativas para construir juntos nuevas perspectivas culturales negras, liderado por los extraterrestres africanos de Saturno que tienen un propósito ancestral, construir el deseo de soñar con el futuro.

Evento: Afrofuturismo: la diáspora intergaláctica.

Conferencista: William “Mumu” Silva (Brasil).

Fecha: Domingo, junio 27, 2021.

WILLIAM “Mumu” SILVA (Brasil)

Coach Ágil y Consultor de Tecnología, Postgrado en Gestión de Proyectos y MBA en Gestión Estratégica de Empresas. Fotógrafo, ex locutor de radio (programa: Llegando a Picadilha), cuentista e investigador independiente sobre los temas: Afrofuturismo; Jazz, Blues y Afrobeat. Cofundador de los proyectos Fela Day na Kebrada, Encuentro Afro y Melanina Fitness.


The Cycle of Conferences on African and the African Diaspora Studies [CEADA] invites to the conference “Afrofuturism: the intergalactic diaspora” presented by William “Mumu” Silva (Brazil).

The Cycle of Conferences on African and the African Diaspora Studies has been created to disseminate Afrocentric and Pan-Africanist thought through the experiences and contributions of Africans and their descendants worldwide. It is an open and permanent space where experts in different areas of knowledge are invited. The dialogue revolves around issues of collective interest and from the Afrocentric, Pan-Africanist, and anti-colonialist perspectives.

Afrofuturism: the intergalactic diaspora

A brief essay on speculative fictions to build together new black cultural perspectives, captained by the African aliens of Saturn that has an ancestral purpose, to build the desire to dream about the future.

Event: Afrofuturism: the intergalactic diaspora.

Presenter: William “Mumu” Silva (Brazil).

WILLIAM "Mumu" SILVA (Brazil) – Agile Coach and Technology Consultant, Post Graduate in Project Management and MBA in Strategic Business Management. Photographer, ex-radio host (program: arriving in the picadilla), an independent researcher and researcher of the themes: Afrofuturismo; Jazz, blues and afrobeat. Co-founder of the Projects Fela Day at Kebrada, find Afro Meet-ups and Melanina Fitness.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
4 Views · 3 years ago

Have you ever thought of farming, did you succeed or are you currently into farming. What are the pros and cons of farming. Farming is a very noble job that can be satisfying but only if you approach it the right way. Whether dairy , crop or mixed farming. Watch, learn and leave a comment, let me know what different thing you would do had this been your farm or in your own farm.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
4 Views · 3 years ago

Sustainable Land Management: Cross-Slope Barriers, Rainwater HarvestingOther: Climate Change Adaptation.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
4 Views · 3 years ago

Sustainable Land Management: Agroforestry, Forest Management, Integrated Crop-Livestock ManagementOther: Climate Change Adaptation.

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
4 Views · 3 years ago

“We don’t use herbicides and other harmful chemicals so that our children can eat clean food.” - Saayioi Leposo, a Maasai organic farmer from Kenya, for #IGrowYourFood 🌱

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