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Deputy President Dr. MJ Hlophe eNCA Interview with Heidi Giokos on MK Party plans in Parliament

14 Views· 11/04/24
uMkhonto Wesizwe
uMkhonto Wesizwe
6 Subscribers

4 Nov 2024
MK Party Leader in Parliament and Deputy President Dr. Hlophe is in conversation with Heidi Giokos about MK Party plans in Parliament.

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Jacob ZumaPresident of South Africa from

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 5 months ago

There is no such thing as a “white Afrikaaner.” It is an oxymoron. It is an idiotic statement for any white invading colonial Neanderthal Boers thugs to claim they are “Afrikaans” “Afrikaaner”, native and indigenous to the Black land of uMzansti.

Even the the word “Afrikaan” “Afrikaaner” is not an original word in the Neanderthal Boers thugs grunting barking language. The white invading colonial Neanderthal Boers thugs stole the classification of “Afrikaan” “Afrikaaner” from the native indigenous Black peoples of Azania and put that classification label on themselves, to mislead the people that they are “Afrikans.”
White invading colonial Neanderthal Boers thugs
are not “Afrikans” and will never be “Afrikans.”

This is the same tactics and blueprint that these Neanderthal invader thugs have been using for thousands and thousands of years, wherever they go around the world. They steal the identity of the native indigenous peoples they intend to colonize, destroy and wipeout upon themselves, and they then convince the native indigenous peoples that they are the original native indigenous inhabitants of the land they just invaded and colonized.

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uMkhonto Wesizwe
uMkhonto Wesizwe 5 months ago

I get your sentiments but Afrika has nothing to do with our continent at list with them the claim of being Afrikaners is more fitting base on the fact that we do find one of their four father who was named along those lines.... to us KMT / Embo is more fitting

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 5 months ago

@uMkhonto Wesizwe: I couldn’t have said it better.

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 5 months ago

@uMkhonto Wesizwe: Yes. The Neanderthal thugs can keep their names “Afrikaan” Afrikaaner” and let us Black people refer to ourselves in our own indigenous mother tongue language of KMT/Embo/Abibiman/Farafina.

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uMkhonto Wesizwe
uMkhonto Wesizwe 5 months ago

@Kwabena Ofori Osei: true that we need to embrace who we are as black people and stop wanting to fit in with this humankind after all we are the only human beings....

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 5 months ago

The ONLY issue, and the number one, two, three, four, five,…ten, etc., agenda in uMzantsi is:
-The ownership of our Ancestral Lands and Resources back into the hands, control and management of the native indigenous Black people of uMzantsi.

-We don’t want to hear or listen to any other issues, any other agendas, any other concerns.
We want the return of our Ancestral Lands and Resources back into hands, control and management of the indigenous Black people of uMzantsi.

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uMkhonto Wesizwe
uMkhonto Wesizwe 5 months ago

MK was formed for 5 things only that is: 1. unity of Black people in order to ever trow the power at be, 2. do away with the Roman-Ducht laws, 3. returning of the land back to it rightful owners, 4. give back the ruling power to our black kingdom, 5. let people govern them self..... But MJG zuma he is only responsible for the first 3 and the last 2 he is putting up a team of black qualified people to deal with that... unfortunatly their are things that we cant disclose in public but all in due process....

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 5 months ago

@uMkhonto Wesizwe: I know my Brother. I know we can. Deep in my heart I know we can kick out these Neanderthal thugs out of uMzantsi and return the lands and resources back into the rightful hands and control of the people of uMzantsi. The Ancestral lands of uMzantsi is crying out for true justice, freedom, equality and leadership for the native indigenous Black people of uMzantsi.

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uMkhonto Wesizwe
uMkhonto Wesizwe 5 months ago

@Kwabena Ofori Osei: and we were so close this elections but I guess the outsmart us by calling on American back up and use the tribalist card saying Zulus are violance and the party is for Zulus and so on....

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 5 months ago

@uMkhonto Wesizwe: The Divide and Conquer, Division and Diversion, Divide and Rule, is their number one ammo and best tactic that they always use to destroy and conquer Black people. And for some reason it always works on Black people.

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uMkhonto Wesizwe
uMkhonto Wesizwe 5 months ago

@Kwabena Ofori Osei: True that, but to my suprise that didn't work hense they went as far as rigging the Vote where they made it look like black people voted for D.A which is not correct at all..... But hey soon enough we will take over the Black world is on the rise and no one can stop it....

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 5 months ago

@uMkhonto Wesizwe: Àṣẹ

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 5 months ago

@uMkhonto Wesizwe: Amen

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