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Sanctions against China’s Huawei failed, birthed "Delete America" campaign across China

27 Views· 07/31/24
Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei
37 Subscribers

Five years following strict technology exports bans aimed at Huawei, a Chinese electronics and telecommunications giant, the company is stronger and more profitable than ever. What's more, Huawei and thousands of other companies across China have embraced a "Delete America" strategy from all their supply chains.

Some officials maintain that the bans on Huawei exports and contracting have been successful, however, and point to laws that require US government contractors, the Pentagon, and allied countries to "rip and replace" Huawei gear from communications networks.

However, almost no real progress there has been made, as only a small percentage of US government contractors have made the switch, the Pentagon has asked for and received waivers each year so they do not have to comply, and our allies have flatly refused to replace Huawei telecommunications equipment.

When surveyed, Americans report historic low levels of confidence in our institutions, with corresponding high levels of distrust. Officials promised that tariffs will not lead to higher prices, that national security concerns necessitate banning affordable Chinese electric cars, and that Huawei represents a grave threat to the country. American citizens seem to reject most of those positions, as they continue to buy Chinese-made products in high volumes, and express to pollsters their hope to buy Chinese vehicles. As to Huawei, even the Pentagon and our biggest contractors are sticking with Huawei gear, given more costly alternatives.

Resources and links:
Wall Street Journal, The U.S. Wanted to Knock Down Huawei. It’s Only Getting Stronger.

The US is moving very, very slowly away from Huawei

Fortune, Even the Pentagon can’t completely freeze Huawei out of its operations

Bloomberg, Pentagon Has a Huawei Dilemma Congress Doesn’t Want to Solve

The Economist, America’s trust in its institutions has collapsed

Gallup, Historically Low Faith in U.S. Institutions Continues

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 8 months ago

United States: “Sanction China”.
China: “Delete America”.

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Baka Omubo
Baka Omubo 8 months ago

kmtyw need to heed this message.

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 8 months ago

This is not an endorsement of China, This is to show the mindset of a people who wants to build and be a superpower and those who are content and wants to be consumers at the bottom of the totem pole.

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