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Bla Xit Messenger 2

15 Views· 06/10/20
20 Subscribers

Greetings Bla Xit family

Our brave Bla Xit Messenger is Shelita who lives in Texas, USA. Her story made me cry because although she lives in one of the world's richest countries, she doesn't have access to the opportunities to live the "so-called American dream"!

Shelita's story is a sad reality of many people who are living in the USA. She may never see Africa. Shelita has been homeless moving from place to place since Hurricane Katrina which claimed close family members of hers.

If you would like to make a donation, you can send the money via PayPal to bopcollective@yahoo.com

Become a Bla Xit Messenger (Subscribers only) by sending your video clip to blaxithome@gmail.com

Special thanks to our friend and YouTube Vlogger Wode Maya. You can follow him on YouTube too www.youtube.com/user/MrGhanaBaby

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