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Convention July 21-23, 2022 | Pan African Unity or Perish: A Call for the Abolition of Neocolonialis

66 Ansichten· 01/16/22
Hattie Carlis
Hattie Carlis
1 Abonnenten

Revolutionary Greetings Comrades,
Africa Unity Movement for Decolonization (AUMD) would like to extend an invitation for you to attend our upcoming convention on July 21-23, 2022. AUMD is a coalition of African-led organizations that are all centered and focused on achieving the vision of our African ancestors who fought in the liberation struggle for true decolonization. Our membership includes:
Konbit Sitwayen Sosyalis pou Sove Ayiti (KOSSSA) (Haiti)
International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) (International)
Pan-African Congress of Azania (South Africa)
The Black Radical Collective (International)
State 55 (Continent Wide)
Pan-African Community Action (PACA) (US)
African Continental Unity Party (ACUP) (Continent Wide)
Movement for African Emancipation (MAE) (Nigeria)
All African Peoples Revolutionary Party (A-APRP)
Black First Land First (South Africa),
Friends of the Congo (Congo)
Zimbabwe Movement for Pan-African Socialist
Economic Fighters League (Ghana)
Centre of Pan-African Thought (UK)
Zola Bantu (South Africa)
We Charge Colonialism (WCC) (US)

The theme for our convention is “Pan-African Unity or Perish: A call for the Abolition of Neocolonialism,” July 21-23, 2022, and will be held during the 100 year anniversary of Marcus Garvey’s appeal to the League of Nations for Ethiopia to be handed over to African people after being seized from Italy. It is appropriate we use this opportunity to bring light to sanctions against not only Ethiopia but also Zimbabwe, Eritrea, and other nations where sovereignty is punished by the colonial system.

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