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Decolonizing Higher Education: Okunini Ọbádélé Kambon and Lwanga Songsore
Decolonizing Higher Education: Okunini Obadele Kambon and Lwanga Songsore
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What are we doing or what can we do to defend and protect our uncolonized spaces?
Black Wall Street was an “uncolonized “space. All the Black Wall Street communities were thriving and excelling without no outside help; but it was bombed to the ground in one day.
So what can we do or what are the strategic plans in place to protect and defend our uncolonized KMT/KMTWY (Black) spaces so that the destruction that happened to Black Wall Street and even the destruction that happened to ancient KMT does not repeat itself again.
Very important message.. as we build our own uncolonizable spaces, as you said, no one can come tell us what to do and we won’t have to worry about offending anyone like that same woman and her agent husband. Seems to me that too many of our people would rather stay uncomfortable in their spaces than be able to express themselves freely in their own space. They probably don’t want to do the work of building, literally.