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Dr. Oba T'Shaka: Black Manhood "A Choice Between Two Cultures"

25 Views· 08/30/21
Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi

Today, we will end this series of three discussions by centering our discussion on one of the two most central issues in African and African American Culture, the Black Family and the Black Extended Family.
. We have our guest Dr. Serie McDougal author of the book Black Men’s Studies Black Manhood and Masculinities in the US Context. Review Dr. McDougal’s background.
3 I will provide an African historical context for the nature of the Black family in the U.S., the Caribbean, South America and Europe. The paradigm or model for African families was discovered by me after I had the most beautiful experience of my life, when I piped into the mind of God and was privileged to have revealed to me the basis for African families. Since the family is the foundation of society, the way African families operated was the way the larger society functioned. This family model derived from the world’s first people who came into being 140,000 years ago, the Twa, who are the mothers and fathers of humanity, and who lived in the highest state of civilization in the history of the world.

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